Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Juice Fast Day 10 !!!!!

Yesterday was actually fairly easy but last night last night was really, really hard... worst night since the beginning.

 I was really irritable, really itchy (need to remember to dry brush more often) and had crampy, restless leg all night.

I had to take magnesium and calcium even though I know I shouldn't. I also had a headache and my sinuses were slammed shut.

 I know it's my body going into deeper detox so I just kept telling myself it's a good thing! It really sucked though!

DETOX: I spent 45 minutes in the sauna today ie: my backyard in the Orlando Sun! Working on getting out any toxins I can today.

 I haven't been posting my juices because everybody is different and what I like you might not like. There are so many juice recipes online anyway.

I am usually drinking a fruit juice in the morning most of the time it is grapefruit and orange or grapefruit and mango.

Then I usually have a couple of green juices through the day and a large serving of coconut water.

Dinner time I usually have a salad type juice with no fruits or a homemade V8 style juice.

I've been occasionally having iced tea during the day and a hot herbal tea at night. I've been drinking sparkling water and sometimes I add organic bottled grape juice or organic bottled black cherry juice for just a hint of taste.

 I have been thinking how incredibly amazing I am going to feel on day 31. My self esteem and self confidence is going to be through the roof... a gift of well being to myself. I'm really looking forward to going from self conscious to self confidence.

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