Thursday, February 11, 2016

Adult Onset Asthma

There are many reasons I am drawn back to raw.  One of them being I have been dealing with Adult Onset Asthma... I did alot of research and know it's from massive amounts of inflammation in my body... this is more than likely caused by some food I am consuming.. and also the fact that I am so overweight.
 There are many natural ways to cool inflammation in your body.  I chose to focus on a couple plus work on eating high raw.  I believe tumeric and ginger will help.

 I am taking carrot and turmeric juice in the morning and also juicing ginger and adding it to tea a couple of times a day.

I have also for the last week given up all dairy, gluten and processed sugar and eaten lots of raw (approx 70% raw).

AND WOW! I noticed yesterday I didn't have any asthma.. just a tiny bit of tightness feeling in my breathing last night.  It's going away.

I want to be 100% Raw.. what Raw food enthusiast doesn't? But as you can see looking back at how long I've been posting in my blog, I've never been successful for too long. .. I have gone 6 or so months at a time very high raw.. but I always fucked that up. It's because I let the desire for perfection be the enemy of my good.

So I'm working on that...

YESTERDAY I did great.. I had lots of fruit till after 4 and then had an Any's GF/DF burrito and for dinner the same.

Fruit all day today and I will have my DH pick up a salad for us in the way home.  I think I am going to order a veggie salad from Panera...

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