Monday, May 29, 2017

Juice Fast Day 4

 This fast has so far been infinitely easier than my last 3!  I am not sure if I was just so ready (had been wanting to do another one for months but made myself wait until JUST THE RIGHT TIME)... 

 I really feel ok.. pretty low energy but surprised no serious detox yet..  just sinus drainage (having to blow nose often) my sinus pain is pretty much gone and I can breathe clear most often outside of needing to occasionally blow my nose.. pretty low energy several times yesterday so I drank fruit juices mostly.. I will make sure to have at least 2 good green juice today.  making one first thing.. Patrick going to store for me today to stock up on more produce (It's Memorial Day so I hope PUblix is open!)..lost 1.8 pounds overnight.

I laid out in the sun a while yesterday.. it was nice, sweating is important when detoxing and we have our own private back-yard sauna here in Orlando ha!!  Had to take a steamy selfy LOL!

Lime Perrier.. love having these fizzy babies 1st thing!!

I also found this Strawberry LimeAid bottled juice: 

 I was excited to see it is Pressure Pasteurized too and believe when they are pasteurized this way as opposed to heat it helps keep the majority of the enzymes in tact.. obviously fresh juice is BEST but I am a realist and have learned from past juice fast experience I NEED occasional quick and easy and the Suja and these are the 2nd best after fresh.  

at about 2pm I got hungry again so I made fresh OJ/Grapefruit:

Then I had some hot tea.. I have really enjoyed a pretty cup of hot tea around 4pm, it's a great ritual any day.  It feels special and many teas are tonics for the body, I use pretty china and a glass tea pot (need pix next time).. this one was orange spice and the cinnamon seemed to irritate my stomach a tiny bit?

Later around 5, I felt  weak and really needed calories so I had some organic grape juice (publix bottled).. ingredients just grape juice and water.

For dinner I had about 24oz fresh watermelon juice and OMG it was heaven!

Yes I may have over did the fruit juice today but I really felt I needed it.. this AM first thing I made a VERY green juice to get started.. I will have more green today also.

All in all I am doing surprisingly well.  My only complaint is I am sneezing allot (sinus drainage), I have to blow my nose allot and I have low energy and it seems when I drink fruit juice my energy gets better for a while.. even with all the fruit juice yesterday I estimate my calories came in under 1000 so I am certainly low cal. 

I have a sense of calmness and have noticed I have less scattered racing thoughts..
I have made it as easy on myself as I can this round.. picked the right time, no responsibility, no appointments and no travel scheduled for one month..  allowed myself to not worry about housework.. etc..

Hubs going back to work tomorrow.. I have sure enjoyed him being here.. he is proud of me and yesterday he drank juice and ate fruit and watermelon only!  He's so wonderful to me.  He had a 3 day weekend.

Started day feeling fine.. ended weak and  headachey..  lots of sneezes .

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