Friday, August 20, 2010

Dieting in the past..

I wanted to post about my dieting history over the last year.

I have wavering back and forth between Veggie, to low carb, to raw then back to veggie and doing low carb veggie style... 

I have never really been serious enough for long enough.  I've been kidding myself and allowing myself to be too indulgent, coming up with excuses to eat crap constantly lately.  I have gained 10 pounds in the last month because I have just been lazy and not wanted to make healthy meals.  Being indulgent (I've got a little temper tantrum throwing child in my psyche that needs to be taken back under control). 

I have not really looked hard at my health.  It's always been about losing weight.  Now it's about my life, my wanting to have a better quality of life in my late 40's.  I feel so freaking old and achey and slow and have zero energy, I hate the way I look.. so matronly, old and not the least bit sexy.  I am so fat it's starting to really piss me off and I think that is what it's finally going to take

I really LOVE the Raw lifestyle, the community of people is amazing and it's a huge movement.  It's about so much more than just weight... actually the weight loss is a small secondary part of the movement.

I did well on Raw before but ended up eating too much fruit and dealing with what I think was systemic candida and only very low carb helped keep it at bay.  It's also LOTS of work and I didn't prepare my weeks ahead of time well most of the time.   The planning is really important.

This time I am going to be more careful with the fruit and right now stick to only low GI fruit.. right now only berries and apples and I am going to commit to spending every Friday (like today) planning the next weeks food and ideas and then shopping on the weekends.  I do have to go again during the week because of course fresh foods don't last as long as packaged, preserved pseudo crap food.

I am also going to focus on my liver.  Do some detox liver stuff.  I have a few recipes for juice combos for liver detox I am going to be using. 

Today I am fasting until dinner.  really because there is nothing in the house to eat!  I have one Amy's organic veggie meal left in the freezer... It will be dinner and I am getting up early in the am to go to the store.

I will be working my best to be totally veggie and as high Raw as possible starting out. 

I will work my way up.  I am sure I will be eating some Amy's meals from time to time (quick and easy and veggie organic) and doing some cooked meals as well.. I will work my way up to as High Raw as I can but I will take my time.

Most of the truly Raw people have taken over a year to get there.  It's not easy and I think the reason I failed before is because I had an all or nothing attitude.

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