Sunday, May 20, 2012

Our Local Farmer's Market..

DH and I ran up to our local market this AM and bought lots of veggies.  I got 10 cucumbers (I use like 4, sometimes 5 a day on the juice feast so it's not enough but it's a good start and I will use some tonight in our dinner salad)..

I got red bell peppers for $1 each!  They are $3 a piece at Publix right now.. I need to go to the market more often.. it's just hard to get motivated to head out that early on a Sunday AM!

Lots of local grown tomatoes too.  AND we found a guy selling raw nut mix..   I am sure the dried cranberry had some sugar in it but the mix was good.. and a good start to my first day back on High Raw.

I ate lots of nuts and also set some almonds on to soak to make a batch of almond milk in the AM. 

Making a huge salad tonight for dinner.

I need to make an order from Natural Zing.. but I think I will wait until I am half way thru my juice feast so I am  not tempted by all the yummy raw foods that would arrive during my juice feast if I ordered now!

I am excited... I have been reading thru my blog from previous Raw excursions and I have some great stuff I have made in the past for a good base to get started back once my 10 day juice feast is over.

I am starting the juice feast on Tuesday. 

This AM I weighed 231.2.

Can't wait to watch this weight fall off..

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