Tuesday, January 15, 2013

It's Been Too Long...

I have been struggling so much the last few months.  This AM I am up to 238 pounds.. I have not weighed this much in years.

I am feeling drawn back to eating more raw fruits and veggies again. 

In the past I put too much pressure on myself to be 100% Raw and it lead to an all or nothing attitude and I just couldn't handle the pressure I put on myself. 

I realize now that every damn raw veggie or fruit or nut/seed I put in my body is good.. much better than the food lifestyle I have been leading the last 6 months. 

I am not going to push to be extremely high raw right now.. at least not yet, I just want to eat lots of high volume raw salads and more cooked vegan even.  I am not vegan nor even veggie and don't plan on ever being such.  I believe I need meat in my diet I just have to focus on eating much more healthy and MUCH more Raw. 

I am going to a Thai restaurant tonight and am planning on the Thai green papaya salad.. it's all raw and also I will get the Summer rolls..  cooked shrimp but nice raw veggies included too. 

I am going to be much more realistic. 

This morning I woke up dreaming of this spiralized zucchini/yellow squash spaghetti I used to do on raw... it had a wonderful spicy red sauce on it and I loved it and thought.. that would be good on any damn diet.  So I am planning on that soon.

I am also craving green smoothies.  My poor body and my health has been really neglected lately.  That's changing. 

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you.
    I started my raw journey for about a week and I feel great so far! I totally understand the benefits of raw vegan food, but it is not practical for me to be 100% raw for many reasons.
    I think there are so many benefits for whole cooked food too, just listen to our bodies and eat what we feel like eating is the best approach!

    Much Love,
