I feel like some Magic has come into my life...
I have so much I want to write about...
OMG I made an amazing shake for DH I wanted to write about. He is doing semi-Raw.. mostly Vegan with me 90% of the time but he does occasionally have cheese..
I have been making him protein shakes in the AM. He really enjoys them. Yesterday morning's shake was incredible! I used frozen organic cherries, 2 T cocoa, half scoop green powder, almond milk and whey protein (I am getting Hemp protein powder for us soon, I was amazed to read it's Amino profile), I don't use whey as I have given up all dairy but he still likes it. Anyway the shake was Fantastic!! I think I could make it much more toward the raw food lifestyle so I could eat it too… Organic frozen cherries (fresh are out of season), raw cocoa powder, almond paste and water (raw sprouted almonds ground into paste and watered down into milk) instead of the almond milk in the paper box from WholeFoods, hemp powder protein and green powder. This is SO good I need to get the stuff to make it.
On the TMI front I am finally over my period. 9 freaking days! WTF. Normally I am 4 days on. I guess my body is full of toxins and hormones released from all those fat cells that are shrinking! I know the hormones can play havoc.
I have fair energy now - I feel like I am thru my major Detox (maybe?).. feel like I could get a few things done today! I want to fast.. I want to get on thru this detox for sure ASAP into some BLISS damn it!
I guess if I am totally honest I am wanting to go on further with the fact that I am not that hungry. I want this fat off.. I want to be much smaller come the holidays so I have to motivation to stay on RAW! I am already looking for things to make when the winter comes that are still Raw.
Also I wanted to post that yesterday I had my first what felt like sort of a binge. It was on that granola (not raw) muesli by Bob's red mill.. I had issues with it a while back and today I just decided I wanted it again. (not buying it again, I will make Patrick some good Raw granola with sprouted Oat Grouts and nuts and dates.. etc).
I ate about a cup and a half (a half cup three times!) and had lots of almond milk also not raw. I normally eat about a cup of nuts/raisins at this time of the day but just didn’t want too. I need other ideas for late afternoon snack.. like gauc and veggies to dip or red bell pepper hummus or pesto and veggies to dip… Something substantial. I tend to be fine munching on fruit till about 3-4pm then get hungry from something heavier.
Yesterday the first day I was not as raw as I could be in 10 or so days I think. I had the cereal around (kept traipsing back to get more). Then I had a cooked Amy’s vegan meal (good) and a small glass of red wine… GOOD. I didn’t really feel bad.. maybe a little more tired than I would have been but it was time to relax anyway.. went to bed at 10pm.. had a bit of rumbling in my belly and gas.. which I know is a sign of not digesting well.
Oh and I wanted to write that I also made a HUGE batch of veggie goulash (raw) and put it in the dehydrator.. Pix of it marinating:
I used butternut squash, acorn squash, eggplant, red and orange bell pepper, a half a HUGE red onion and a half a HUGE vidalia onion, I forgot the carrot and I didn’t have corn. I used the marinate I wrote about yesterday that I use on portobello steaks and use to make eggplant jerky. I will post another pix of it when it's finished so you can see how much it looks like yummy oven roasted veggies.
I reuse the marinate a couple of times (Nama Shoyu is expensive!).. I just keep the marinate in the fridge. I keep whatever is marinating in it in the fridge as well so I am sure the marinate is fine to use a couple of times.. another thing I love about Raw fruits and veggies is not worrying about e-coli or freaking some other nasty food poison..
I just went to WholeFoods to get a few things.. well fucking $175 worth of a "few things".. (DH calls it Whole Paycheck!). it’s insane how expensive stuff is there.. I HAVE to start only buying what I HAVE to there. I could have got my fruits at Publix. I did get LOTS of Lara Bars that I could have got at Publix but I wonder if they actually cost any more at Whole Foods than elsewhere.. they were 4 for $5 at WF.
While I shop at WF I always get one of their green smoothies and I had the best raw smoothie drink there I have had so far.. I wish I could remember what all is in it.. it’s called Clearly carrot or clear carrot.. something like that.. It had 5 stars for Detox which is what I am doing - concentrating on detox!.. I know it had apple, carrot and beet for sure and I think it had celery.. I will write it down next time.
I got dandelion greens! I also got dino kale and spinach.. I am going to make green drinks over the next couple of days.. I will have one for breakfast in the AM too.. DH might even eat one!
I will have one today around 3 or so for a late lunch.. I am still full from the one at WF!
I know beets have to be used with caution they are so strong in their detox of the liver.
Oh and my raw "goulash" is good! I am happy with it.. it’s till pretty crunchy but it has a rich flavor from the marinate and certainly will be very good slightly warmed in the dehydrator. I think I will also warm some of the marinate and pour a bit on it and stir it up before I serve it.
Tomorrow I am going to pick up a friend of mine in Tampa. I am really looking forward to seeing her. It's been too long and I have sort of hold up in my home thru this last couple of weeks. It will be my first entire day out and about by myself since going Raw. I am not concerned though. and we are going to see mom and take her to the Raw place in St. Pete. I really love that restaurant.
I want to go to Selby Gardens tomorrow too.. not sure we will have time. I will take lots of water and some nuts and raisins to much on and make a nice green smoothie to drink for breakfast and I will be good to go.
I want to find a pretty insulated tote to use to carry nut milks and maybe salads and fruit with me when I spend days out. I will have to start looking around.
I am so enjoying this Raw food lifestyle.. Oh and I have been totally VEGAN for 28 days today! I freaking am doing excellent. Yeah me!!!
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