Monday, September 20, 2010

Detox.. I think?

Feel like hell today.
Headache, sinus yuck (need to use my neti pot!).  Feel like even a very slight fever maybe.  I find it interesting that I am detoxing thru my sinus. 

I have zero energy.  I just want to lay in bed all day.

I have had diarrhea since day 1! I keep thinking it has to get better that makes it 31 days of diarrhea.  I stay hydrated, lots of water, herbal teas and fruit/veggies and juices.

Another VERY interesting thing Detox wise:
I have had in the last few days (it’s a little better today) this strange ache that was even sore to the touch in my upper arms almost up to where my shoulder meets my arm, toward the back of my upper arms but not actually all the way under my arms.

I looked on line and this area appears to be a place with lymph nodes! I can actually feel little knot areas. DH gave me a good massage in that area two nights in a row and it seems to have helped. It’s interesting.. I am sure it was toxins! It’s till slightly sore so I am going to ask for another little rub tonight.

I have more to write soon but I've got to crawl in bed.. I sure wish I had a laptop!


Ok I am back.. wanted to write MORE..
I ate a cooked vegan dinner tonight.. still 75% Raw for the day.. I did a percentage calc. of my percetage raw since August 21 (I have each day percentage of raw in a spreadsheet since day one) and even with my two days that I pretty much took off over a weekend when my sister was here I am 85% raw over the last 30 days!! That is fantastic.. I am working for High raw so a cooked vegan meal a couple of times a week (I don’t do it every day) is fine for now.. I am working up to as close as 100% as I can and have had many days in the last 30 that were 99%.

I am having lots of hot herb tea today.  I am feeling a little better.. my love of hot tea is one of the reasons I can only get up to 99% on days when I am eating as raw as I can.. I truly believe in herbs (and green and white tea) and am not sure I will ever give them up.

I also want to order some licorice root and make my own tea. I love licorice tea.

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