Friday, June 2, 2017

Made it 7 Days!

I came off my fast last night.  I all of a sudden got severe hunger and just decided it was ok.. I had done a week and not to push myself to continue.. that's not healthy mentally for me.  Deprivation mindset only leads to binge eating for me.

Plus I have been feeling a little depressed.. sort of just blah.  I am tired of having no energy at all and since I have not been hungry and then all of a sudden was, I think it was time.

I ate a banana and then some PB2 a little later.. it was VERY HARD to not pig out.. I then had a English muffin with a bit of butter (I had to reign myself in on the fat) and jelly..

I am really missing energy and hoping coming off my fast will help my melancholy.  I will go back to my work on intuitive eating and consuming whole foods the huge majority of the time.

Yesterday I really had no drive.  I just want to be doing nothing.  I did make myself mop the kitchen floor and repair a VERY long necklace (took hours) of mine that recently broke.. It's one of my favorites...

This AM I feel so good.. I have much more energy already.. I am wanting to eat allot and I am working on really honoring my hunger and not pigging out.  I decided the reason I had such low energy was because my body was spending all my energy on detox and healing a couple of issues... 

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Juice Fast Day 7

 I found this online.. I don't know WHO made this beautiful piece of live food art so if you 
run across this one day please let me know so I can give you credit!!! 

So this AM I woke up really shaky and coffee made me worse and I felt I was going to pass out.. heart racing, light headed.. going to drink tea with my coconut cream tomorrow instead... less caffeine.  I drank some organic bottled grape juice quickly to give myself a bit of energy so I could make us our coffee LOL!

217.8 this AM.. lost less than a half pound.. I knew I would slow down soon...

I was SO BORED yesterday! I have very little energy to do anything productive so I just read and look at Youtube and surf around finding Juice Fast motivation..  Making myself drink MORE JUICE  today just to see if I get better energy..  I really need to get some work done around the house and HATE sitting on my ass all day.  I know I am so fortunate that Patrick makes enough $$ for me to not work right now (although I am making and shipping jewelry that I do sell I am not creating anymore right now) but I just can't stand having zero energy. 

I've been waiting till afternoon to start my first juice but today I woke up feeling very shaky and had a Suja sweet beets first thing.

 Then Coffee w 5T my Co milk for healthy fat approx 100 cal worth of fat

200 calories of that bottle Strawberry Limeade at 12:40 p.m. 

Then a green juice with celery, beet greens, tomato, lime, cabbage, cucumber,  apple.  NOT a pretty juice.. sort of dark brown but great for me and didn't taste as bad as it looks.

Then around 5pm I had about 12 oz Publix bottled organic grape juice (really low energy).

While Patrick ate his dinner I had Ice tea w juice of an orange.

So I was shaky this AM but really no headache or outward signs of detox.. just REALLY low energy.. working on more juices today.

I am so proud of myself so far on this journey.