Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Juice Fast Day 6

Now THAT'S a Seriously Green Juice!!

Well day 6!!!!!!!!!!!

You came in ok but ended being a freaking bitch!  Felt decent most of the day (still low energy but..)  then got bad arm pain.. weird, I have been having this pain in my muscles in the upper back of my arms and in my left shoulder.. it comes and goes but last night I had a hard time getting comfortable in bed they ached so bad.  I remember this happened on my last Juice Fast.. I know it's something my body is working on .. they are about 80% better today!

Sinus yuck has slowed down considerably... I can breathe again!  No more headache this AM.. just slow and low energy.. I KNOW I am not drinking enough juice and Patrick called me just now and told me to go make some juice.. I will soon.. it's weird.. I am NOT hungry!!! Just thirsty.  Joe Cross of Fat Sick Nearly Dead documentary said this happens, much lowered hunger. I wonder if I need to make myself drink more juice for the nutrient??

Personal backyard sauna:
A few months ago I was wanting to go to this Spa here in town to try out their wet sauna.. I thought to myself "it's 90% humidity outside here in FL right now in the Summer.. I might as well just lay out.. get Vit D and a personal sauna at the same time".. SO that's what I've been doing and OMG yes I sweat enough for it to be a serious sauna!

Coffee enema yesterday.. I know.. TMI but there it is.. and really I am just documenting this for me.. I don't think anyone reads my blog.. I want all this documented for myself for the future.

I bought a new body brush to do dry skin brushing but I always prefer to do it wet in the shower.. honestly I am not sure why you would HAVE to do it on dry skin.. I scrub verrrrry well!  LOL!

Deep Breathing:
I detox thru my sinus and my lungs.. I have felt my lungs are heavy and just congested so I started deep breathing yesterday to try to work on that.

Low Energy:  I really have very low energy.. I know I have not been taking in very many calories but I am torn.. I honestly feel like you detox better on lower calorie but I know I need vitamins/minerals as well to aid in healing.  I really don't feel like doing much but sitting in my recliner, reading, watching YouTube juice fast videos and juicing..  I have made a couple pieces of jewelry for clients but I find that I really don't enjoy it.  I want to detox more than anything so I am making sure I am drinking lots of water to make up for the lack of juices.. I may add more juice as this progresses but right now I think I'll just listen to my hunger.

2 small Cups Coffee with 1/4 C coconut milk (On several juice fast protocols you are instructed to take 1T of Flax or Hemp seed oil - about 120 calories,  a healthy fat to protect your Gall Bladder.  I decided I would go for Coconut milk because it's a good fat as well and also has anti-fungal properties and I am NOT convened that coffee is that much of a problem.. too many studies that show it's good for our brain).. I started back on coffee with coconut milk yesterday (5 days in) because extended juice fasts really need some type of healthy fat IMO...
Large 1 Liter coconut  h20
Green Juice:  one tub of Mixed Field greens, lemon, pineapple, cucumber
Seltzer Water with True Lime brand Watermelon Aqua Fresca powder
Another green juice "Noon Greens" Suja at  4:30
Iced Black Tea at Dinnertime as Patrick ate his dinner. 

The Watermelon Powder I Use.. Real Ingredients, Just Watermelon, Lime, Stevia and Sugar

One Thing to Note! I can look at food and not want to eat!!!  it's like I'm just settled in to this..

229 to 218 today on Day 6.. although I am NOT doing this primarily for weightloss I want to document my weight.. I have so many health issues that to me are so much more important than the number on the scale..

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Juice Fast Day 5

Juice Prep! :

Damn.. I can't really believe it's already day 5.  I'm proud of myself.. I am very determined.

Well I was commenting yesterday how I was so surprised how easy it was so far but Detox is catching up... last night I got a pretty good headache before bed.. I've been low energy and have had lots of sneezes. 

This AM I woke feeling lifeless and the base of my neck is stiff and my eyes feel achy and dry and gunky.. I feel a bit dulled.. disconnected.  i want resounding changes in my life!  I want more energy and a renewed purpose.  I want to better my and Patrick's health and help us lose weight and gain a more active and satisfying life...  

GREEN JUICE: Romaine fennel spinach celery carrot cabbage lemon parsley and two green apples
this made 1 1/2 large mason jars

 then later seltzer with about 1/4 C grape juice just for flavor (no photo)

then HUGE 4 C watermelon juice

Dinner I was not hungry so I had hot black tea w chocolate stevia drops

Started juice fast at 229,2
This AM 219.6
I've lost 9.5 pounds in 4 days.

Monday, May 29, 2017

Juice Fast Day 4

 This fast has so far been infinitely easier than my last 3!  I am not sure if I was just so ready (had been wanting to do another one for months but made myself wait until JUST THE RIGHT TIME)... 

 I really feel ok.. pretty low energy but surprised no serious detox yet..  just sinus drainage (having to blow nose often) my sinus pain is pretty much gone and I can breathe clear most often outside of needing to occasionally blow my nose.. pretty low energy several times yesterday so I drank fruit juices mostly.. I will make sure to have at least 2 good green juice today.  making one first thing.. Patrick going to store for me today to stock up on more produce (It's Memorial Day so I hope PUblix is open!)..lost 1.8 pounds overnight.

I laid out in the sun a while yesterday.. it was nice, sweating is important when detoxing and we have our own private back-yard sauna here in Orlando ha!!  Had to take a steamy selfy LOL!

Lime Perrier.. love having these fizzy babies 1st thing!!

I also found this Strawberry LimeAid bottled juice: 

 I was excited to see it is Pressure Pasteurized too and believe when they are pasteurized this way as opposed to heat it helps keep the majority of the enzymes in tact.. obviously fresh juice is BEST but I am a realist and have learned from past juice fast experience I NEED occasional quick and easy and the Suja and these are the 2nd best after fresh.  

at about 2pm I got hungry again so I made fresh OJ/Grapefruit:

Then I had some hot tea.. I have really enjoyed a pretty cup of hot tea around 4pm, it's a great ritual any day.  It feels special and many teas are tonics for the body, I use pretty china and a glass tea pot (need pix next time).. this one was orange spice and the cinnamon seemed to irritate my stomach a tiny bit?

Later around 5, I felt  weak and really needed calories so I had some organic grape juice (publix bottled).. ingredients just grape juice and water.

For dinner I had about 24oz fresh watermelon juice and OMG it was heaven!

Yes I may have over did the fruit juice today but I really felt I needed it.. this AM first thing I made a VERY green juice to get started.. I will have more green today also.

All in all I am doing surprisingly well.  My only complaint is I am sneezing allot (sinus drainage), I have to blow my nose allot and I have low energy and it seems when I drink fruit juice my energy gets better for a while.. even with all the fruit juice yesterday I estimate my calories came in under 1000 so I am certainly low cal. 

I have a sense of calmness and have noticed I have less scattered racing thoughts..
I have made it as easy on myself as I can this round.. picked the right time, no responsibility, no appointments and no travel scheduled for one month..  allowed myself to not worry about housework.. etc..

Hubs going back to work tomorrow.. I have sure enjoyed him being here.. he is proud of me and yesterday he drank juice and ate fruit and watermelon only!  He's so wonderful to me.  He had a 3 day weekend.

Started day feeling fine.. ended weak and  headachey..  lots of sneezes .