Now THAT'S a Seriously Green Juice!!
Well day 6!!!!!!!!!!!
You came in ok but ended being a freaking bitch! Felt decent most of the day (still low energy but..) then got bad arm pain.. weird, I have been having this pain in my muscles in the upper back of my arms and in my left shoulder.. it comes and goes but last night I had a hard time getting comfortable in bed they ached so bad. I remember this happened on my last Juice Fast.. I know it's something my body is working on .. they are about 80% better today!
Sinus yuck has slowed down considerably... I can breathe again! No more headache this AM.. just slow and low energy.. I KNOW I am not drinking enough juice and Patrick called me just now and told me to go make some juice.. I will soon.. it's weird.. I am NOT hungry!!! Just thirsty. Joe Cross of Fat Sick Nearly Dead documentary said this happens, much lowered hunger. I wonder if I need to make myself drink more juice for the nutrient??
Personal backyard sauna:
A few months ago I was wanting to go to this Spa here in town to try out their wet sauna.. I thought to myself "it's 90% humidity outside here in FL right now in the Summer.. I might as well just lay out.. get Vit D and a personal sauna at the same time".. SO that's what I've been doing and OMG yes I sweat enough for it to be a serious sauna!
Coffee enema yesterday.. I know.. TMI but there it is.. and really I am just documenting this for me.. I don't think anyone reads my blog.. I want all this documented for myself for the future.
I bought a new body brush to do dry skin brushing but I always prefer to do it wet in the shower.. honestly I am not sure why you would HAVE to do it on dry skin.. I scrub verrrrry well! LOL!
Deep Breathing:
I detox thru my sinus and my lungs.. I have felt my lungs are heavy and just congested so I started deep breathing yesterday to try to work on that.
Low Energy: I really have very low energy.. I know I have not been taking in very many calories but I am torn.. I honestly feel like you detox better on lower calorie but I know I need vitamins/minerals as well to aid in healing. I really don't feel like doing much but sitting in my recliner, reading, watching YouTube juice fast videos and juicing.. I have made a couple pieces of jewelry for clients but I find that I really don't enjoy it. I want to detox more than anything so I am making sure I am drinking lots of water to make up for the lack of juices.. I may add more juice as this progresses but right now I think I'll just listen to my hunger.
2 small Cups Coffee with 1/4 C coconut milk (On several juice fast protocols you are instructed
to take 1T of Flax or Hemp seed oil - about 120 calories, a healthy fat
to protect your Gall Bladder. I decided I would go for Coconut milk
because it's a good fat as well and also has anti-fungal properties and I
am NOT convened that coffee is that much of a problem.. too many
studies that show it's good for our brain).. I started back on coffee
with coconut milk yesterday (5 days in) because extended juice fasts
really need some type of healthy fat IMO...
Large 1 Liter coconut h20
Green Juice: one tub of Mixed Field greens, lemon, pineapple, cucumber
Seltzer Water with True Lime brand Watermelon Aqua Fresca powder
Another green juice "Noon Greens" Suja at 4:30
Iced Black Tea at Dinnertime as Patrick ate his dinner.
The Watermelon Powder I Use.. Real Ingredients, Just Watermelon, Lime, Stevia and Sugar
One Thing to Note! I can look at food and not want to eat!!! it's like
I'm just settled in to this..
229 to 218 today on Day 6.. although I am NOT doing this primarily for weightloss I want to document my weight.. I have so many health issues that to me are so much more important than the number on the scale..
229 to 218 today on Day 6.. although I am NOT doing this primarily for weightloss I want to document my weight.. I have so many health issues that to me are so much more important than the number on the scale..