Well I am very low energy today... Actually I feel like I normally do. Maybe a tiny bit better then I normally do but I keep waiting for more energy! I have spent the last couple of years fatigued all the time.
I am getting days I do have better energy and Saturday walked hours at the mall. I surprised myself with how much energy I had but yesterday one hour shopping at Walmart and I had to go to bed...
Yesterday I also did not do well at making myself juices I just wanted to be total slug all day.
I got on the scale this morning and had only lost .2 pound one. I really don't think I will slow down with my weight loss this much until later on. Maybe it is because I didn't have enough juice or maybe it was all the running around on the weekend.
It's much easier to be regimented with my juice during the week. On the weekends I tend to want to do my own thing or be spontaneous or just basically be lazy!
I also have to remember that I am actually doing this for my health much more than just weight loss. I wanted to note a couple of improvements that I've already noticed.
I used to have right hip pain whenever I took a step. Now my right hip no longer hurts.
My pain that I'm sure was nerve pain shooting down the front of my left thigh has diminished greatly.
And seriously! I lost nine and a half pounds in one week! When in the hell has it ever happened before?. Well except for my last juice fast!
Part of me thinks I should stay off the scale but another analitical part of me wants to chart my weight every day.
I think as long as I keep my mind right when I do get on the scale and look at it just as documentation and don't get all emotional about the scale, I'll be ok.
For breakfast I made a mango and grapefruit juice that is luscious! The mango doesn't juice incredibly well. I actually ran a little bit of water through the juicer to get the rest of the mango puree out. It really does just sort of puree it. I used two grapefruit and 3 mango and about a half a cup of water and it made 30 oz.
DETOX! I spent 45 minutes in the sauna today, ie: my backyard in the Orlando Sun! Working on getting out any toxins I can today.
It is 3 p.m. almost and I'm really not hungry just thirsty! I've had approximately 450 to 500 calories so far today in fruit juices. I had my grapefruit/mango this morning and then I had about a cup and a half of organic bottled grape juice water down. They're both very full of calories ..
It's strange I feel very, very empty but I just don't feel much hunger.
I will drink some coconut water in a few minutes and then a little while make a nice green veggie juice with no fruit.
I bought broccoli and bok choy to give it a shot with carrots and celery and cucumber and maybe spinach. A nice salad juice!
I wanted to also note that I have actually lost 20 pounds since January.
I feel pretty good and I'm glad it's a new week. Yay I'm on to week two!
Wish me luck.
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