Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Juice Feast Day 1

 It's  6:30AM ish and I'm having a huge glass of water with half a lemon in it.  I was supposed to add my MSM but I forgot.. I will add it to my next glass.  I love starting the day with the lemon water.. the MSM... not so much.  I have to add a few drops of stevia because it's bitter.

and.. well really I started on just juice after breakfast of raw fruits yesterday so I did a half day yesterday already.!  I was just so excited to start, I am going for 10 days.

Today starts my third day Raw also.  AND I've released 4 pounds so far.

I can't wait to find myself with some energy.  I have felt like a total slug the last month.  I also have been having lots of back ache issues (muscle spasms) and my lower abdominal pain has started to flare the last couple of weeks (Inflammatory issues).

Detox:.   not much yet, well.. except for living in the Loo.. all day yesterday.   I had serious detox symptoms last time.. migraines, lots of sinus yuck (I have years of sinus problems and my sinus was the first part of me to detox).. I also got strange aches in the back of my upper arms (around lymph glands) and bad body aches here and there on and off.  Also I had days I was super exhausted.  and days I felt high and full of bliss.  (can't wait for those days).. I only did about 8 days on a Juice Feast but I did three months of very High Raw with a large majority of them 100% Raw.  I am excited for Detox.. Ya, I say that now!


I wanted to share a blogs with you today, It's the blog that started it all for me.. If you are interested in learning about Juice Feasting or really all things Raw this is the blog to start with.. Penni's "Real Food Tulsa"

Penni is the owner of "Raw Food Rehab" and her blog is just beyond excellent.

 That's her on the left with Dhrumil of "We Like It Raw".. another great site.

Penni is the reason I turned to Raw.  Finding this blog and then her "Raw Food Rahab" site was like finding an entire new world.

Penni's blog is a wealth of all things Raw!  It's a great resource for sure but her posting about her 90 day.. that's right 90!! Days of juice feasting.  It goes to show you just how you can do it and do it with flair.  Her pix are great, she is very inspiring and has the best info I have found about the feast so far:  I've pulled out the URL that starts with day one for you here: http://realfoodtulsa.blogspot.com/2008_03_01_archive.html

Anyway get your read on today!  You will come away inspired.  Truly.

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