Friday, May 25, 2012
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Juice Feast Day 3
So I did fair yesterday. I didn’t have bunches of energy and my skin was itchy.. I took a nice shower and used the body brush on myself. I am supposed to use the body brush every day but I have been forgetting.
Around 1pm yesterday I was officially hungry for the first time so far. I drank a half litre of watermelon juice and noticed I was a little cold.
I laid out for a while and got some sun and watched Raw videos on my tablet.. been watching LOTS of them on Youtube.
In the afternoon I made some carrot, cuc, tomato, celery juice ..about a pint. I didn’t feel well at all and just pulled stuff out of the fridge willy nilly.. I think I may start making double batches because I am sure some serious detox is a coming and I am sure I won't feel up to making a juice four - five times a day if this gets the way it did last time.
I also did a coffee enema and then took a nap. .
I was getting a pretty good headache and body aches and rememberd that taking the enema really helps.. clears out toxins and yes I felt much better after.
I wanted to write about toxemia and my poor body. It occurred to me that lately I have had signs that I am REALLY toxic. I fainted a couple of times recently because of mineral (electrolyte) loss.. (vagal nerve fainting) from months on Atkins - It just didn't do me right - I loved ketosis but it did not love me, at least not as long as I was it it. And I ate LOTS of cheese, meat full of hormones and antibiotics and junk.
Then I had an asthma attack the other night.. I had not had one in months. My body is reaching a tipping point. And adding the MONTHS of severe dehydration from low carb… I have pushed my body to the limit. No kindness to it.. that’s for sure so I think I have come back to raw just in the nick of time. Got to get my juiciness back!
I weighed 224.2 this AM!
That means I lost 1.4 pounds for the second day in a row.. a total of 6.8 pounds in 4 days. (started at 231). I had to actually just go back and look at my spreadsheet to be sure that was right! That’s so exciting.
I have closed down my business for a couple of weeks (I work out of a home office.. I am a jewelry designer and sell gemstones to other designers).. You can check out my work here:
My Gallery:
My Etsy Lovely LUXE store:
My Etsy CaryMartinDesigns store:
I decided my health was more important than business.. at least for a while… until the guilt sets in!
Last night I made a veggie “broth” soup with my juice. I really wanted something warm.. I used a food thermometer and heated it to 100. It was just warm enough for me at that. I just went to the fridge, started pulling out LOTS of veggies and juiced them.. I got carried away.. I used tomato, celery, cucumber, carrot, kale, parsley, red chard, red bell, beet, ginger and 2 cloves of raw garlic.. pushed them thru my juicer and although it could have been a horrendous juice I got lucky! It was REALLY good (I love garlic but toward the end it was a bit too much garlic.. but not too much for me to finish!).
I am preparing for what is to come for me.. I remember on my last juice feast (I only made it to 7 days) on day 6 I had a horrid, emotional melt down. I actually felt like I was almost possessed… (seriously).. I felt dark and mad and angry. And VERY, very rageful. I thought I was going crazy. I felt like I was someone else. I wrote about it in my journal and was pretty traumatized by it, I almost had like this feeling of evil around me.. I think with my Christian upbringing though that I just related evil to the really dark feelings that were coming up.. and the extreme anger. I knew about emotional detox but was REALLY freaked out by it. The next day was only the tiniest bit better. I ended up not being able to cope with it and coming off my feast that night.
I have a few things in the past that have happened to me that are pretty sad but I really thought I had worked thru them truly.. I have not thought about them in years. I’ve done the therapy, done the burning of written letters, done all the things you are supposed to do to “release” past trama. Why would that come back up.. when I really felt it was GONE.?
Anyway this time I will be ready.. I know to expect it.
Oh and today I have noticed I am much less hungry.. it’s already 4pm and I am not hungry.. I did have half a quart of veggie juice about three hours ago but I am not hungry yet.. I think I need to go drink the other quart I made…
So far so good.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Juice Feast Day 2
Juice Yesterday:
-Lemon juice in water – 1 quart
-half a pineapple, 2 small limes, 4 huge stalks of celery and 1 small head of romaine – 1 quart
-red leaf lettuce.. soaked goji, 3 cherry tomato, half a red and half a yellow bell peppers, half a cucumber, 3 red chard leaves – 1 quart
-Entire cantaloupe and 2 apples (gold) – 1 quart
-Carrot, celery (only about 12 oz)
-1 grapefruit juiced and glass filled with seltzer (12 oz)
I won’t kid.. as the day went on I started to feel horrid.. I was having body aches and headache with light sensitivity almost like I was getting a migraine. I kept going and lying down and making my bedroom dark.
I was surprised that I already was having detox. I guess it is day three back on Raw so maybe it’s time. Also I am coming directly from a totally fat ass diet, worse than the standard American diet (SAD).. I had not been high raw for weeks before my juice feast like I was last time and last time I STILL had bad ass detox.. I am sure I am in for a really great time *wink*.
Also I lost 1.4 pounds overnight, Cool.. that is 5.4 pounds in three days back on Raw (1.5 days juice feast so far) Seems high in the weight loss dept. I hope I am not losing too quickly.. (ha!) I need to lose freaking 100 pounds. I guess it is the first few days of the cleanse so I will slow down eventually.
I went outside and laid in the sun with my puggie Suki for about 20 min yesterday. It felt really good. I remember on my last juice feast I actually was COLD in the middle of the Summer here in Orlando.. I wonder if that will happen again?
DH was sweet and bought more produce for me on the way home from work. I am beyond thankful for my husband. He supports me in whatever I do.
I am supposed to do an enema today. I did a coffee enema a couple of times through my last juice feast.. I only did 7 days juice feast I think last time. I am shooting for 10 days this time. One day I would like to do a 40 day juice feast but I want to be on Raw for a while before I do that!.
I felt fair this AM when I got up.. very thirsty which surprises me with all the juice and water I am drinking.
I had my lemon water first thing and am now enjoying a watermelon, lime juice for breakfast. YUM! I am trying not to be too afraid of fruit as I know I need the calories to make it a FEAST not a FAST but I try to have most sweet fruit in the first half of the day. I worry about candida but so far I have not had any more issues with it since the months of going very low carb.
Been watching Amethyst’s Juice Feasting (100 days!) videos.
Jealous that girl lives in NYC. What fun. And within walking distance of a yoga studio! Hot yoga too!! I love the idea of Bikram. Some day I want to do Bikram too. I have always felt too fat. I do go to a gentle yoga class though.
So I am doing fair today. I have really low energy and my skin is itchy.. I need to shower and use the body brush on myself.
So here is a juice from yesterday.. cantaloupe, golden apple, lemon:

and this is my watermelon, lime & celery from this morning:
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Juice Feast Day 1
It's 6:30AM ish and I'm having a huge glass of water with half a lemon in it. I was supposed to add my MSM but I forgot.. I will add it to my next glass. I love starting the day with the lemon water.. the MSM... not so much. I have to add a few drops of stevia because it's bitter.
and.. well really I started on just juice after breakfast of raw fruits yesterday so I did a half day yesterday already.! I was just so excited to start, I am going for 10 days.
Today starts my third day Raw also. AND I've released 4 pounds so far.
I can't wait to find myself with some energy. I have felt like a total slug the last month. I also have been having lots of back ache issues (muscle spasms) and my lower abdominal pain has started to flare the last couple of weeks (Inflammatory issues).
Detox:. not much yet, well.. except for living in the Loo.. all day yesterday. I had serious detox symptoms last time.. migraines, lots of sinus yuck (I have years of sinus problems and my sinus was the first part of me to detox).. I also got strange aches in the back of my upper arms (around lymph glands) and bad body aches here and there on and off. Also I had days I was super exhausted. and days I felt high and full of bliss. (can't wait for those days).. I only did about 8 days on a Juice Feast but I did three months of very High Raw with a large majority of them 100% Raw. I am excited for Detox.. Ya, I say that now!
I wanted to share a blogs with you today, It's the blog that started it all for me.. If you are interested in learning about Juice Feasting or really all things Raw this is the blog to start with.. Penni's "Real Food Tulsa"
Penni is the owner of "Raw Food Rehab" and her blog is just beyond excellent.
That's her on the left with Dhrumil of "We Like It Raw".. another great site.
Penni is the reason I turned to Raw. Finding this blog and then her "Raw Food Rahab" site was like finding an entire new world.
Penni's blog is a wealth of all things Raw! It's a great resource for sure but her posting about her 90 day.. that's right 90!! Days of juice feasting. It goes to show you just how you can do it and do it with flair. Her pix are great, she is very inspiring and has the best info I have found about the feast so far: I've pulled out the URL that starts with day one for you here:
Anyway get your read on today! You will come away inspired. Truly.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Day 2 back on High Raw..
This AM I weighed 229.4 so I have already lost over a pound.
I started High Raw again yesterday..
It's always REALLY hard on me transitioning over from my SAD diet to Raw.. I have binge eating issues and have to really fill up as best I can and let myself eat as much as I need to (Raw)..
So yesterday I ate a huge ton of nuts and also dehydrated seeds (pumpkin) and dried cherries and cranberries.. not sure the cherries or cranberries would be raw.. we got them in a “raw” trail mix at the Clermont Farmer’s Market we went to yesterday.
I got lots of veggies and I did high raw yesterday.. (maybe 80%). all the trail mix and then tons of the raw almonds and walnuts (not soaked) from the roadside farm place I order them from.
Last night I had an asthma attack.. I am not sure if the nuts did it or not but I think so.. way too many of them and also they could have had a tiny bit of mold on them although I didn’t taste any.. I do need to soak and dehydrate them though.. I am laying off the nuts for a while. I intuitively feel like it was the nuts.
I am going to whole foods today.. to get more veggies and greens.. I am starting a 10 day juice feast tomorrow.

I sure need it.. I am tired and have zero energy.. I just feel bad.. I am sad that my lungs are apparently in bad shape again.. I know the juice feast will help. It's an incredible gift to myself.
I had a great apple, tomato spinach green juice at Whole Foods...
I soaked some goji overnight.. gonna use half of them in the vitamix with cantaloupe and a green leaf (not sure what yet) for a smoothie tonight then starting juices only tomorrow am.
Excited but really, really tired.
Bring on the damn detox. I am ready.
I started High Raw again yesterday..
It's always REALLY hard on me transitioning over from my SAD diet to Raw.. I have binge eating issues and have to really fill up as best I can and let myself eat as much as I need to (Raw)..
So yesterday I ate a huge ton of nuts and also dehydrated seeds (pumpkin) and dried cherries and cranberries.. not sure the cherries or cranberries would be raw.. we got them in a “raw” trail mix at the Clermont Farmer’s Market we went to yesterday.
I got lots of veggies and I did high raw yesterday.. (maybe 80%). all the trail mix and then tons of the raw almonds and walnuts (not soaked) from the roadside farm place I order them from.
Last night I had an asthma attack.. I am not sure if the nuts did it or not but I think so.. way too many of them and also they could have had a tiny bit of mold on them although I didn’t taste any.. I do need to soak and dehydrate them though.. I am laying off the nuts for a while. I intuitively feel like it was the nuts.
I am going to whole foods today.. to get more veggies and greens.. I am starting a 10 day juice feast tomorrow.

I sure need it.. I am tired and have zero energy.. I just feel bad.. I am sad that my lungs are apparently in bad shape again.. I know the juice feast will help. It's an incredible gift to myself.
I had a great apple, tomato spinach green juice at Whole Foods...
I soaked some goji overnight.. gonna use half of them in the vitamix with cantaloupe and a green leaf (not sure what yet) for a smoothie tonight then starting juices only tomorrow am.
Excited but really, really tired.
Bring on the damn detox. I am ready.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Our Local Farmer's Market..
DH and I ran up to our local market this AM and bought lots of veggies. I got 10 cucumbers (I use like 4, sometimes 5 a day on the juice feast so it's not enough but it's a good start and I will use some tonight in our dinner salad)..
I got red bell peppers for $1 each! They are $3 a piece at Publix right now.. I need to go to the market more often.. it's just hard to get motivated to head out that early on a Sunday AM!
Lots of local grown tomatoes too. AND we found a guy selling raw nut mix.. I am sure the dried cranberry had some sugar in it but the mix was good.. and a good start to my first day back on High Raw.
I ate lots of nuts and also set some almonds on to soak to make a batch of almond milk in the AM.
Making a huge salad tonight for dinner.
I need to make an order from Natural Zing.. but I think I will wait until I am half way thru my juice feast so I am not tempted by all the yummy raw foods that would arrive during my juice feast if I ordered now!
I am excited... I have been reading thru my blog from previous Raw excursions and I have some great stuff I have made in the past for a good base to get started back once my 10 day juice feast is over.
I am starting the juice feast on Tuesday.
This AM I weighed 231.2.
Can't wait to watch this weight fall off..
I got red bell peppers for $1 each! They are $3 a piece at Publix right now.. I need to go to the market more often.. it's just hard to get motivated to head out that early on a Sunday AM!
Lots of local grown tomatoes too. AND we found a guy selling raw nut mix.. I am sure the dried cranberry had some sugar in it but the mix was good.. and a good start to my first day back on High Raw.
I ate lots of nuts and also set some almonds on to soak to make a batch of almond milk in the AM.
Making a huge salad tonight for dinner.
I need to make an order from Natural Zing.. but I think I will wait until I am half way thru my juice feast so I am not tempted by all the yummy raw foods that would arrive during my juice feast if I ordered now!
I am excited... I have been reading thru my blog from previous Raw excursions and I have some great stuff I have made in the past for a good base to get started back once my 10 day juice feast is over.
I am starting the juice feast on Tuesday.
This AM I weighed 231.2.
Can't wait to watch this weight fall off..
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Finally.. ready.
Well it's taken another 3 weeks to get to a place where I can start focusing on Raw again. I just have not been able to focus on me until now.
My sister has been very ill and had surgery 2 1/2 weeks ago and I went up there for about 12 days.
Then I came home and worked on getting the house organized.. and getting myself ready.
I realized I was mentally putting it off.. and maybe I won't be as "ready" as I want to but it's time.
I am starting Raw tomorrow and going to start a 10 day juice feast the next day.
We are going to our local Farmer's market early in the AM.. I will buy what I can there.
I want to do 10 days each month for the next three months during the Summer.... I will work on staying High Raw in between.
I need to lose 100 pounds. I know I can do it.. I loved Raw in the past and lost weight easily but even more than that I just felt lovely.. life felt lovely. I had found my own little blissful world.
I want that back.
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