Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Day Three of My Juice Feast Experiment~

St. Pete Beach - where I grew up...

Good Morning,

It's such a beautiful morning here, I hope it is for you as well.
So far I have lost 2 pounds.. I was a little bummed I didn’t see more weigh tloss on the scale this morning..

I am not discouraged though! I can tell my body is smaller. My waist is smaller.. this morning I was stretching in the first light of day (felt a bit blissful I have to say) while Suki went to the bathroom and put my hands on my hips when I was done with my stretches and could tell my waist is smaller… and ya.. patrick commented about my smaller tush a couple of days ago too!

This morning I woke and was a little shaky and decided to try fruit juice just by itself.. I chose 2 apples and juiced them in my Lalanne. I was a bit apprehensive because I have NOT had any plain fruit juice (with out veggies added in the juice too) yet. I used to have blood sugar (borderline) issues and always try to stay mindfull of that now. I am hoping that having them first thing in the AM and choosing low GI fruit will be ok.

I really felt like I needed it right away when I woke. I feel better now also.
It seems surprising to me that so far this juice feast has been pretty easy (last night was not THAT easy when I smelled Patrick’s dinner) I have done very low cal diets (1000 cal and lower) in the past and it’s sheer torture. I was always hungry and thought constantly about food..

I am pretty sure I am not taking in even 1000 cal (I have also had problems getting ALL my juice in). I don’t know if it is that juicing actually makes it easier or if I am just freaking resolved..

I am sick of being fat and unhealthy. Whatever it is, I am feeling very strong willed for sure.

I really would like to extend this and do 21 days or so. I was talking to Patrick about it this morning.

My intention is to try to maintain my weight thru the holidays with High Raw with cooked vegan also. I can think of LOTS of gourmet Raw I want to try.. but the fat from avo and nuts and seeds and the sugar in agave and maple are very full of calories and I can’t really lose much weight eating that way.

I was thinking I could do this juice feast as long as I can.. until the end of Oct. or the first week in Nov.. and then start to plan our contributions to our family’s Thanksgiving meals (we travel North to my Sister's) and planning of other meals that have a holiday feel. I really have to STILL feel that it is holiday season to be able to stay on my plan. If I start to feel deprived I will stray from my path.. I have learned over the years to be real with myself.

I have seen SO MANY wonderful ideas for Raw meals and think I will do some cooked winter veggies like roast pumpkin and onion, etc.. I can certainly stay High raw and eat a little cooked vegan.

Lets see.. more about yesterday.. I was very tired last night.. sort of had a spacey, disconnected feeling. My legs had a deep ache before bed too.

I DID wake up an hour and a half earlier this morning than I did yesterday. My sleep is pretty erratic right now.Will post more as the day progresses.

I am not hungry at all.. after my bit of apple juice this morning I have not had any hunger at all. It’s very interesting.. I am wanting to just not eat - well not drink.. to do more of a juice fast then feast.

I am not concerned about "starving".. I have plenty of "energy" in my body in the way of little fat cells. I wonder if I could go into ketosis and just do mostly veggie juices?

I just want this weight off. I have been reading about fasting in my "The Live Food Factor" and although I have never fasted on water alone, and not sure I would when I could have a nice fresh juice when I got hungry, I honestly don’t see why I need to drink that much juice (4 quarts a day) if I am not hungry.

Should I not just listen to my body?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Daisy!!

    Definitely listen to your body. My goal was 4 quarts, and I'm still at 3. I know how you feel about the weight...I'll post my history on my 'issues' really soon. xoxoxo glad you're seeing a difference!
