I want and need this blog to be a totally transparent and honest look at what I go thru in this transition. It’s with that in mind that I am writing this entry.
I first want to say that I KNOW I can and will do this and I don’t want anyone reading this to get discouraged. We all have what it takes to make it in this amazing health endeavor, I absolutely believe that 100%.
Some of us struggle more than others. I was hoping I was going to be one of the ones I have read about that had a fairly easy transition.. but unfortunately I am not.
I am in PAIN!
Well the last two days (Sunday and Monday) have been a cooked food festival at my house. My body does not handle cooked anywhere NEAR as well as it used to – already!.
I am actually up 5 pounds in two days. Even more scary to me is the fact that I could tell my blood pressure was WAY up and I have had a bad IBD flare the last two days also. This Pain Sucks – I have not had a flare at all in any of the last two months of Raw..
I was very afraid last night.. I am quick to forget this pain if I go a few weeks without it. Anyone with IBD (gastro thinks it’s Crohn’s) knows what I am talking about. I also had a bad headache and I could intuitively tell/feel that it had to do with my blood pressure. I have an extra 5 pounds of fluid on my body all of a sudden and it’s amazing how sick I got this quick.. I know this excess weight is very hard on my heart and I VOW to get back on track RIGHT NOW!!!
My headache was so bad last night that I could not sleep. It was in the top 3 worse headaches I have ever had. In the middle of the night I broke down and took a BC powder and finally fell asleep. I know having all the excess liquid in my body is very hard on me and my blood pressure was up because of it. I instantly wanted to fast again this morning but I know part of the problem is that I am get too into excess. I want to fast or juice fast and I know I don’t need that right now.. I think part of my problem was not controlling myself when I came off my juice feast.
I really think I need to talk more about how my choice of food effects me.
I am so tied into food emotionally AND physically.. I seriously felt the worst the last two days than I have felt in a very, very long time… my body was NOT happy. I know I am harming myself. I am causing myself physical harm with some of my food choices but I have a hard time keeping the focus. I start to focus on other things.. like the holidays and things I want to cook.. and feeling like I am not a good wife if I don’t have the house filled with the smells of something cooking for my husband when he gets home from work. I realize lately that so much about the house being filled with the smell of cooked food feels like love to me (or from me to him). I spent the entire day yesterday reading about recipes and imagining the things I wanted to cook my husband for the Fall. I totally threw aside my Raw plans and goals. Very quickly.
I see and feel the good I do when I am on Raw. I felt great… very light and was starting to have tiny glimmers of the bliss they talk about. I do think I need more guidance on how to do this without having blood sugar issues. I know more salads and less sweet fruit. I can figure it out but I think this is one of the worries in the back of my mind. I know as I lose weight my blood sugar will automatically get better.
I have got to stop killing myself with food… my poor body was so bloated my blood pressure skyrocketed.. I am sure it was really, really high. In a way I am glad my body did this to me. If I felt good I probably would not be so ready to get right back on right away.. It’s been 2 days only.. I can get the momentum back.
I FEEL SO NUMB INSIDE RIGHT NOW.. well except for the IBD pain. I still am having pain. It feels like pretty good menstrual cramps only now.. so I know from experience if I am careful with what I put in my mouth (I used to fast when I had a flare) I will be on the mend but I feel sad inside. I know I let myself down. I am sad.. very sad. SAD! S.A.D. makes me sad. I feel like crying almost. I really let myself down. I did not take care of and love myself.
I tried to numb myself again.. I remember sitting there the last night I stayed on my juice feast and seriously throwing a little temper tantrum.. I let my little inner child (she is keeping me fat) dictate to me that night. I decided "I just can’t do this anymore" (I had almost made it an additional day). and ate dinner.. a cooked vegan meal.. nuts and a banana. BUT then Sunday It started a roll of two days of eating and reading about food and totally immersing myself into food… I also had something frightening family wise come up that pushed me on that next day.. I gave in to emotional eating very much. It just started to snowball.
I decided I would give up Raw till the new year and "celebrate the season".. Cook all my old favorites "one last time".. hoorah! I went on my TV and started to record all these food cooking channels (I just deleted them) and just totally decided to change back to my old ways, overnight.
It is amazing how my psyche worked against me. It’s like I was coming up with these reasons to NOT continue and my psyche was showing me things in support of that .. the season is here, the Fall foods.. cooking and the house smelling nice when Patrick gets home. Like that’s the only way I can show him I love him. With some cooked meal. I can show him I love him by helping him be healthy too.. and having a nice uncooked meal when he gets home!
I know I can also make my psyche work FOR me.. I decide I am RAW again and it will show me ways to do this.. the universe WILL support me I am very sure of that.
Food Today:
-1 Orange.. I remember thinking I can't wait till citrus season! We live in the middle of a bunch of groves.. this poor orange was sad and dry. December will bring wonderful ruby grapefruit and different types of oranges.. Yummo
-an apple
-another apple a couple of hours later
-and then another apple
-about 2:45pm I had about 3/4 C of raw cashews (was feeling pretty hungry..) they held me till about 4:30pm..
-then I had 3 very small yellow sour mangos. They were surprisingly good to me today!
-DH is picking up a baked potato (dry) with broccoli and chives from Wendy's (don't have anything much else to eat in the house and didn't feel well enough to get to the store today).. I will add a T of CO to it for my butter..
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
Day Six of my Juice Feast Experiment (and my last day)~
Tra la la la la... the weekends almost hereYA!
Good Morning my lovely Raw friends!!!!!
Well, hummm..
I am not a happy camper right now. It seems like I am constantly having to drink juice in order to not feel like I am extremely hungry. It’s really getting on my nerves, seriously. I wondered if it was my blood sugar being low because I am working hard to make sure I don’t use much fruit but I am still using at least 3-4 servings of fruit a day.. I think my body is just not happy on just juice right now. I think I am pushing myself too hard. I really truly just started raw. Under two months ago.
I have gone from a huge meat and cheese eater (low carb/Atkins) to a High Raw vegan in less than two months… plus I gave up diet sodas and recently quit smoking. I think I do need to end this tomorrow.. it was started as an experiment I have to remind myself. I do not believe in setting myself up for failure.
I admire so many of you that have done this for 30-60-90+ days! I just am in awe of you. I just don’t think it’s the time for me yet. I secretly had wanted to make it until Halloween.. (would have been 21 days) and had sort of set that goal in the back of my mind but I don’t think it’s time yet.
I AM proud of what I have done and I will finish out today but I am coming off tomorrow AM.. with fruit until noon – I want a fruit salad! And it’s interesting.. I am craving celery and I normally don’t like celery by itself. I wonder what that is about.?
I will sure keep reading about you and your commitment to your juice feasts - Breeze El and Steve.. you two are really inspiring. ! If anyone is reading this and is also doing a juice feast for a while I really want to know.. please comment so I can read your blog as well!
I have had some more interesting detox the last couple of days.
I am getting a couple of crusty spots on my legs. I think this is old eczema presenting itself.
My eyes are really red and very irritated. I have had to use eye wash a few times
I have lumps that came up in my arms and legs! They were massaged out though.. I am not sure what they were. A couple on my biceps and a couple on one of my thighs. I worked them out pretty much.
Juice Today
Grapefruit and lemon with stevia and 1 teaspoon MSM
Apple and chard (this was good.. I really like chard in my juice)
Apple and cucumber and lemon and parsley – divine!
And that’s just by 9:30am.. I did wake up at 5am this morning but that’s allot of juice for me in the AM.
Will update the rest soon...
Peace Out!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Day 5 of My Juice Feast Experiment..
I felt like this pix really represents how I felt last night!
Ok.. wow, last night was epic hard. Emotional detox does seem pretty serious to me now! I actually had what felt like fits of rage and then deep dark depressed feelings.
It was honestly horrid and if I didn’t know it was surely emotional detox I would have been very worried about my mental health. I just felt like screaming and throwing things one minute and then would feel very down the next. I wanted to eat food SO bad! I mean I had to stay totally out of the kitchen and ask my DH to bring me juice and hot tea. I finally just went to bed at 9pm (early for me) just to call it a day.
Anyway this morning I am feeling pretty down again and just sort of hollow. VERY drained and slept in two hours. When I finally got up, right away made some fruit juice.. I used low GI.. 2 apples and a lemon and it’s SO good.. I am going to see if I can do another day.. I had originally planned at least 6 days and today is only 5.
I am pretty sure I can make it a couple more days.
Argument with DH yesterday:
My DH and I got in a fight.. We truly don’t fight that often. While we were fighting he then told me that he thinks I don’t like me life because I am trying to change so much.
It confused me because I have actually been trying to lose weight for several years. He has always supported me. He’s not the most verbally supportive but he does not complain about any meals or changes in meals or having to provide for himself for a few nights if I am not making a meal.
I have actually struggled with my weight ever since we met. I was about 45# over weight when we met and I gained almost 50# the first two years of our marriage.. He has to know how important this really is to me.. part of me thinks he thought I would never do it and he got comfortable with the fat me and now he is uncomfortable with the changes coming in me..
I know he does not like change and I am certainly going thru major changes. Could he really be so cliché as to be jealous that other men might look at me as I lose my weight. He truly does not seem the type. He has never had a jealous or envious bone in his body. He is very self-assured.
We have a very close marriage. Surely he knows I would never jeopardize that. We had a talk last night and although he assures me it’s just the change (he even commented he likes my more "Zen personality" his words) I wonder.
If he has never seen me much more slim than this (another 10# and I will be less weight than when we met) will he feel like I am a different person than he fell in love with? Could he have been attracted to me because of my weight? (he said "I don’t think so" ).. I sure hope he will embrace the new me because I am NOT EVER going back!!
Juice Today:
-2 apples and a lemon juiced-pineapple and spinach juiced (really good)
-2 lemons juiced with 1 t msm and stevia
will update more later…
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Body Image...
Well I have been wanting to talk about body image for a while. I think it's very important to be able to visualize where you want to be.. shape wise.
I wanted to post this Rihanna video because I love it and also I love her shape. She has the perfect body IMO. Plus.. this video makes me get up off my ample arse and move. Can't beat that. Oh and I really dig the zebra...
I wanted to post this Rihanna video because I love it and also I love her shape. She has the perfect body IMO. Plus.. this video makes me get up off my ample arse and move. Can't beat that. Oh and I really dig the zebra...
Day Four of My Juice Feast/Fast~
This is going to be a long post.. I have so much I want to write about!
Today I reached a personal goal.. I am now at the weight I was the day my DH and I married 12 years ago. This was my first weight goal and it’s taken me a year and a half.
I feel so proud, so amazed that I am finally freeing myself of the oppression of my fat. I know, to me oppression is a pretty serious word but I set here trying to think of a word that describes how it feels to me to be fat and it feels.. "to be held down " to me. I have so many emotions I am going thru right now.. it’s like they are all whirling around inside and every once in a while one will surface and then swirl away then another will surface and go and another. I don’t think I have even begun to actually scratch the surface.
Temptation:Well yesterday I was on the phone with my sis "S" and we were talking about getting together for Thanksgiving. I said I wanted to make some good raw cranberry sauce and maybe I could figure out a way to make dressing in a Vegan way and started thinking about the holidays and started to feel SORRY for myself and for a fleeting minute was tempted to just call it a day with the juice fast and make something "wonderful" for my DH for dinner. I always feel guilt when I am really restricting my eating because I can’t cook for him.. I just can’t. (he us eating Amy’s vegan meals right now).
I have used feeding him a nice meal as a reason to go off my plan, many times... whatever. I got over it quickly but I know as the weeks go by it’s going to be more and more difficult. I want to get healthy and slender. I am thru with excuse-making, rationalization and BS.. Sabotage and such. I am thru with willful ignorance. There is so much I want to do with my life but I feel stagnant because of this FAT. I feel in limbo.. like I am not really living.
Thankful for the VAULT!
These weigh in’s in the Vault are really going to help me. I’ve never been a "joiner".. I am much more of a loner but I am glad I did this. The accountability is already helping my commitment.
I know I can make several wonderful raw things for the holidays I am just not ready to start thinking about them NOW!
In the World of Weird:
I laid down for a few minutes yesterday afternoon and before I knew it I had slept for an hour and a half.. had a weird sort of quick dream (only thing I can remember) a door opening and a voice saying "Welcome Home"... I didn't see anyone in my dream.. but it was a male voice. Interesting and honestly it freaked me out a bit!
More dreams:
Dreams last night.. I felt more like they were sad memories and I actually woke up after each of them.. I had two dreams. Both of them were from when I was in my 20’s.
I felt sad for what I had been thru (my 20’s were pretty horrid years) and started to think about how loved I am now.. and knew I needed to start the work on letting all that old heart ache fall away..
I think these are memories that are bubbling up for me to deal with as I do this cleanse.. I think I am sort of cleansing my soul. I realized that I have had lots of pain in the past.. more than I thought – or more than I have thought about in a long time. I was very alone back then and felt that way.. I also got very good and closing myself off and not feeling a thing. I think I am supposed to be working on that also.. feeling more.
I mostly feel I am supposed to honor the fact that I was very sad and hurt and alone and I made it thru. I found a great love and learned to love myself and now I have a very happy and comfortable life. I can let that all go now.. the past does not have to hold me down.Yesterday I was good in the Am, Low.. in the afternoon and nil at night.. even took a nap today.. sleeping during the day is not like me but since I have started Raw I have need naps during the day every once in a while.
Of Note:
I woke up twice last night to go to the bathroom.. I never do that. Didn’t’ feel like I got good rest.
-I am really sensitive to smells! I walked past the cat box and almost fainted. (well not really but you get the picture) and it’s been changed recently. Ugg.
-Yesterday I was not hungry for quite some time.. only got in two quarts of juice. It’s amazing how I can feel a bit shaky and need sustenance and drink juice and be good for 3+ hours.. it’s wonderful.
-I have this burgundy velvet size L hoodie I bought for inspiration and it was a bit cold this morning and I decided to try it on and it fits.. not tight at ALL.. can I get a Hell Yes!
-I had to have a serious nap yesterday again.. feel so blessed that I can actually lay down in the middle of the day but felt a twinge of guilt..
Lots of itching and really tired yesterday. Emotional detox big time!
Food Today:
Juice with 2 apples, half an orange and half a lemon and 1 teaspoon MSM
Will update more as the day goes on
Ok.. TMI alert.. if you are squeamish (I am) stop reading now, ok?
Ok.. I am a southern girl and was raised to not talk openly about "potty issues" and still feel very uncomfortable about it.. but I am here for my Raw friends and wanted to discuss this because I think it's very important. I have to tell you I did a coffee enema yesterday. Lets just say I was successful.. I want to say that I am very surprised I decided to do this. I actually bought an enema bag a year ago during a gall/liver cleanse and could never convince myself it was needed. After doing research on the reason for coffee enemas.. I was sold. If you believe you would never want to do such a thing - well do some research. And believe me if I can do an enema anyone can.. I am extremely squeamish.
I was able to actually hold it for about 8 min. the whole 4C. Which I have read is impressive for your first attempt *pats myself on the back* I didn’t get the full 15 min in! I all of a sudden felt these familiar little waves on my lower back that signal I have to go BAD – I have felt these before with Senna tea.. I got up off my little bathroom pillow bed and plopped myself down on the toilet. Ok.. just wow is all I can say. It went on for about 5-7 min – I just set there and smiled.. proud of myself for being able to do this.. I was surprised how much rushed out.. considering I have had no solid food in 3 days now..
Ok! Signing off now!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Day Three of My Juice Feast Experiment~
St. Pete Beach - where I grew up...
Good Morning,
It's such a beautiful morning here, I hope it is for you as well.
So far I have lost 2 pounds.. I was a little bummed I didn’t see more weigh tloss on the scale this morning..
I am not discouraged though! I can tell my body is smaller. My waist is smaller.. this morning I was stretching in the first light of day (felt a bit blissful I have to say) while Suki went to the bathroom and put my hands on my hips when I was done with my stretches and could tell my waist is smaller… and ya.. patrick commented about my smaller tush a couple of days ago too!
This morning I woke and was a little shaky and decided to try fruit juice just by itself.. I chose 2 apples and juiced them in my Lalanne. I was a bit apprehensive because I have NOT had any plain fruit juice (with out veggies added in the juice too) yet. I used to have blood sugar (borderline) issues and always try to stay mindfull of that now. I am hoping that having them first thing in the AM and choosing low GI fruit will be ok.
I really felt like I needed it right away when I woke. I feel better now also.
It seems surprising to me that so far this juice feast has been pretty easy (last night was not THAT easy when I smelled Patrick’s dinner) I have done very low cal diets (1000 cal and lower) in the past and it’s sheer torture. I was always hungry and thought constantly about food..
I am pretty sure I am not taking in even 1000 cal (I have also had problems getting ALL my juice in). I don’t know if it is that juicing actually makes it easier or if I am just freaking resolved..
I am sick of being fat and unhealthy. Whatever it is, I am feeling very strong willed for sure.
I really would like to extend this and do 21 days or so. I was talking to Patrick about it this morning.
My intention is to try to maintain my weight thru the holidays with High Raw with cooked vegan also. I can think of LOTS of gourmet Raw I want to try.. but the fat from avo and nuts and seeds and the sugar in agave and maple are very full of calories and I can’t really lose much weight eating that way.
I was thinking I could do this juice feast as long as I can.. until the end of Oct. or the first week in Nov.. and then start to plan our contributions to our family’s Thanksgiving meals (we travel North to my Sister's) and planning of other meals that have a holiday feel. I really have to STILL feel that it is holiday season to be able to stay on my plan. If I start to feel deprived I will stray from my path.. I have learned over the years to be real with myself.
I have seen SO MANY wonderful ideas for Raw meals and think I will do some cooked winter veggies like roast pumpkin and onion, etc.. I can certainly stay High raw and eat a little cooked vegan.
Lets see.. more about yesterday.. I was very tired last night.. sort of had a spacey, disconnected feeling. My legs had a deep ache before bed too.
I DID wake up an hour and a half earlier this morning than I did yesterday. My sleep is pretty erratic right now.Will post more as the day progresses.
I am not hungry at all.. after my bit of apple juice this morning I have not had any hunger at all. It’s very interesting.. I am wanting to just not eat - well not drink.. to do more of a juice fast then feast.
I am not concerned about "starving".. I have plenty of "energy" in my body in the way of little fat cells. I wonder if I could go into ketosis and just do mostly veggie juices?
I just want this weight off. I have been reading about fasting in my "The Live Food Factor" and although I have never fasted on water alone, and not sure I would when I could have a nice fresh juice when I got hungry, I honestly don’t see why I need to drink that much juice (4 quarts a day) if I am not hungry.
Should I not just listen to my body?
Monday, October 11, 2010
Day Two Of My Juice Feast Experiment~
A beautiful carved squash by Francesco Scravaglieri
Good Morning!
Yes, day one was a success!! I am thrilled.Wow, it was NOT hard.
I am sure it will get harder but I was thrilled the first day was a breeze.
My DH actually hugged me last night, grabbed my tush and commented that he could tell I have lost weight!... this made my entire month. Seriously. He is a wonderful man in so many ways but I don't get many comments like that. I fell asleep with a huge smile on my face.
I overslept this morning, I almost never do that but I have noticed since I started Raw that I am sleeping more.
I didn't get all my juice in yesterday.. about 2 and 1/2 quarts (supposed to get in 4 quarts of juice alone.. not counting herb teas and water).. but I did drink lots of water and a couple of cups of herbal tea... will do better today.
The MSM and lemon juice water is too bitter for me so I added a couple drops of stevia to it.
I was bummed this morning because one of the 3 pomegranates I bought (expensive babies!) was bad.. you could not tell until it was cut open.
Yesterday and today I had a bit of stomach cramping on my very first juice of the day. I wonder if it's because they are too cold?
It’s 4:30pm and I am officially very hungry.. first time in two days. I just made myself a tomato, apple, herb greens mix juice and it’s good but I am still jonesing for some food..
I have found myself grinding my teeth this afternoon.. I think I am already missing chewing.. I am "chewing" my juice like I am supposed to though.
I won’t be giving in.
I have had a bit of nausea today. I know it’s a detox symptom. It’s not bad, just slight. Have diarrhea… actually I’ve had diarrhea for six weeks.
I have kind of a spacy, disconnected feeling. I am tired, I could sleep but I feel like reading. I am also cold.. It’s 80deg in the house (have the air turned way up) and I am cold.. that’s just not me.. I am always hot. I had to put a sweater on. Crazy.
Several times today I would go to the freezer to get ice for my juice and see my huge stash of raw nuts and want them badly! I took them all out, put them in opaque bags so I could not see them and that did the trick the rest of the day.
Keeping the kitchen clean with all this is surprisingly difficult! Lots (most) juice feasters make all their juice first thing in the AM and are done.. I decided to make it as I wanted it and that way I could decide to make just what I wanted at that time but that means I am constantly cleaning the kitchen, the floor, the countertops and cabinet fronts, the Vitamix, the juicer and all my knives.. etc.. It’s insane.
8 pm: I am very tired, hungry but determined, have a heavy ache in my legs and slight achy fullness under my right breast (liver?).. I have had this feeling before and usually done a gall/liver cleanse and had it help allot. Will just wait it out.. hope it’s just my liver getting in a good detox.
Juice today:
-Stevia, lemon water, msm (needed stevia.. it’s bitter)
-Papaya, pomegranate, cuc, romaine, agave, juice (looked like muddy water, not pretty but very good
-Green lemonade – lemon, raspberry agave, greens powder
-Heirloom tomato, 2 apples, herbs mix salad
-Cuc, heirloom tomato, parsley, carrot, celery (this juice separated bad.. did everything in juicer except parsley with a little water in vitamix and then strained.. greens don’t do good in my Jack Lalane juicer.. Wonder if it separated because I used two diff. Appliances?
-Herbal spice tea with stevia
-Coconut water from one thai coconut (I look forward to this every day! Wish we could have these every day!)
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Day One of my Juice Feast Experiment..
Art from the Paris Vegetable Gallery in Beijing
If you have come here googling juice feasting I am sorry I am not going the 30-60 or 90+ days YET.. This is just a quick experiment.. but in reality I would like to go for 21 days soon but right now I am committing to 6-7 days..
This morning I was excited and stoked!
I still have to finish totally cleaning my kitchen so I can deal with all the peeling and chopping and ALL the produce! LOTS of work and counter space needed to actually juice like this.
I almost ate a jungle peanut putting them in the dehydrator.. glad I caught myself. I am sure as the time goes on I will not have that problem. Also had to strain the lemon juice for my MSM drink as I have read that even the smallest bit of pulp makes your system have to digest it and that is what we are wanting to work away from.. totally not having to digest anything.. plain juice is instantly absorbed so my digestion can shut down and my body can work on other things!
I am interested in how many calories I am actually taking in so I am going to try to write down everything I juice.. I am so very tired of freaking counting calories.. I've just gotten away from it when I started Raw but I did it for over a year (I am already down over 40# in the last year.. but not from Raw.)
I am starting out today thinking this is going to be fairly easy.. I am even wondering if I may want to lean more toward juice fasting vs feasting.. maybe I will aim for fasting and drink more juice as I need it if I feel hungry..
I have not fasted for very long before.. I have done many one day water fasts in the past and a 3-4 day master cleanse in the past but as far as going without actual solid food.. 3-4 days is the max. In order to lose weight quickly in the past I would fast for a day then eat a normal diet for a couple of days then fast for a day then eat a normal diet for a few days.. then fast a day.. you get the picture..
I am going to make sure to have green in every juice. I decided a juice with only fruit is too much sugar. I WAS going to allow grapefruit juice plain but we don't have any good ones in the grocery store YET.. (can't wait for Dec!)..
I am using a couple of recommended supplements.. (you can read about the protocol and suggested supplements here):http://www.juicefeasting.com/
All of the supplements are suggestions I believe except the MSM.. every blog I have seen, everyone IS using MSM.. the combo of other supplements seems to be different per individual.
The two things I am using supplement wise:
Sulphur in the form of MSM is needed for the formation of collagen, which is the fibrous substance in connective tissue. Sulphur is therefore essential for the production of cartilaginous tissue whose elasticity is especially suited to provide support to the body. Sulphur is a significant constituent of skin, hair and nails, and has been called the "beauty mineral".
(actually MSM is pretty amazing and if you don’t know about it you should google it.)
And Also I am using a superfood:
Freezdried wheat grass plus additional greens in my GreenSuperFood by Amazing grass:
Here is the label:
You can also buy frozen juiced wheat grass in ice cube sizes at Whole Foods.. which I would prob. Do If I was going longer.. I don’t have a juicer I can actually use for wheat grass.
I have been doing a bit more reading.. I wondered about using fresh almond milk in smoothies.. and just found a post here: http://jjjuicefeast.blogspot.com/2008/01/day-2.html
one of the comments on that day from David and Katrina Rainoshek (the designers/inventors of Juice FEASTING) mentioned that nut and seed milks "will arrest the cleansing process, and drive you away from the Juice Feast as you crave all manner of prepared raw foods".
So that answered my question..
In their protocol I have read that they do recommend 1 T a day of Coconut Oil or Hemp Oil but I may not do that unless I get cold - although I do have CO.… But not sure I will need it, especially since I am not going more than a week.
If I WAS to continue on past a week I would start on the oils and order a couple more supplements they recommend.. one being Natural Cellular Defense:
It contains a naturally occurring mineral called zeolite, which has a unique, negatively charged, crystalline structure. Zeolite is formed from the fusion of lava and ocean water, and combines all four elements. It has been used for more than 800 years in Asia as a remedy for overall health and well-being.
I would also add in a good quality local Bee Pollen :
W all know the reason for Bee Pollen…It is said to contain all the elements necessary for the sustenance of human life. Also if you use local it is said to help allergies and sinus issues.
Lastly I would add Vitalzym:
I have read about this enzyme helping persons lose weight just by taking it and changing nothing else.
I am really looking at this week as just a little bump in weight loss.. I want to see a much lower weight by my birthday in a couple of months and my goal is at least 2# a week.
Like I mentioned I sure would LOVE to do a 21 day juice feast.. I have been reading blogs that I find so amazing and very inspirational!
The transformations alone are astounding. Some of these people do up to 100+ days.. apparently it’s not difficult because you take in so many vitamins and minerals from the juice that you are fine.. you have plenty of energy, detox your body and heal many issues without being hungry.
There are MANY juice feasting blogs.. just google them.. you will be amazed and inspired.
I will keep track of what I am drinking and what combos each day.. I will probably actually come into my blog and post each day but come back the next day and post what I drank the day before..
I am thinking about weighing every couple of days.. I am actually up 2 # from a couple of days ago.. not sure why, prob. Too many raw nuts!
Today I consumed:
½ lemon in my MSM drink..I like lemon water so it was fine.. quite bitter but I liked it fine.
I am really looking at this week as just a little bump in weight loss.. I want to see a much lower weight by my birthday in a couple of months and my goal is at least 2# a week.
Like I mentioned I sure would LOVE to do a 21 day juice feast.. I have been reading blogs that I find so amazing and very inspirational!
The transformations alone are astounding. Some of these people do up to 100+ days.. apparently it’s not difficult because you take in so many vitamins and minerals from the juice that you are fine.. you have plenty of energy, detox your body and heal many issues without being hungry.
There are MANY juice feasting blogs.. just google them.. you will be amazed and inspired.
I will keep track of what I am drinking and what combos each day.. I will probably actually come into my blog and post each day but come back the next day and post what I drank the day before..
I am thinking about weighing every couple of days.. I am actually up 2 # from a couple of days ago.. not sure why, prob. Too many raw nuts!
Today I consumed:
½ lemon in my MSM drink..I like lemon water so it was fine.. quite bitter but I liked it fine.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Planning a Short Juice Feast
Good Morning!
I am planning to juice feast starting tomorrow until next Friday. Since I have actually never done any type of fast or feast more than 4 days (did master cleanse) this will be my first true challenge - 6 days! I know many people do these for 90+ days and I have been reading lots of blogs on feasting, including Penni's from RFR, so I have it down and have my MSM in and also some greens powder and coconut oil.
I am concerned for what my DH will eat but I do NOT want to have to be preparing meals other than juicing or cutting up fruit for him in the AM (I know I am spoiled but I know me and this is what I will need to succeed.) so I am making him cut up fruit for breakfasts or offering him his fav. hemp/cacao/cherry/almond milk smoothie.. or of course he could always have my juice with me!
He is actually pretty into this raw lifestyle with me and eats lots of raw meals that I make and then occasionally he supplements with Amy's vegan meals a couple of nights a week, I no longer cook anything that is not vegan and he has been so wonderful and understanding but well.. that's another post!
I am also planning on a goji, coconut flake, cacao nib, date, almond, mac nut "trail mix" to make him to keep in the fridge for him to munch on. He said an Amy's meal for lunch and dinner is fine for the week but I bet he will be in on some green juice for dinner. He has liked them before.
I am aiming for at least 6# of produce a day - juiced. I am actually using my vitamix and straining with a stocking. These work well and I've never bought a nut mylk bag, never have needed one.
My only concern is rather I should have a total fruit juice combo for breakfast and then green juices the rest of the day or go with total green juice.. breakfast and all. I worry about all the sugar rushing into my system with no fiber if I did do straight fruit juice..
I am also planning to have lots of lemons and I have some organic maple syrup so I might do a few master cleanse juices from time to time.. I actually like them! That might be my breakfast.
Well would love some of you guys to join me!
Have a beautiful weekend. Bring on the Juice!
Friday, October 8, 2010
Fantastic Friday!
Good Morning,
It's early here, nice and cool and quiet. I love the mornings like this. It almost feels "Fall like".. It makes me want to work on the house.. clean my closets, buy mums for my front porch, make a huge pot of chili.. guess I am going to have to work on a Raw chili recipe!! There is one in our "Falling into Raw" cookbook I am going to make and also I have one saved that our wonderful Susan on Raw Food Rehab (she has helped me so much already, thank you Susan!) posted I have been wanting to try - here is a pix of that one:
Here is the thread it comes from:
Here is the recipe:
6 lg. tomatoes
1 c. lentil sprouts**
1 carrot, grated
1/2 cup celery
1 green pepper, you can use red, yellow or orange also
1 portbella mushroom
1 T. olive oil
1/4 cup Bragg's liquid aminos
2 tsp. fresh oregano or 1 tsp. dried oregano
1-2 tsp. chili powder to your taste
1-2 tsp. cumin to your taste
a dash of cayene pepper
1 T. Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar
1 T. Agave Nectar
1 cup fresh corn or frozen
Whiz up in food processor the tomatoes, mushroom and add the spices, oil etc and whiz up...add the other veggies chopped up...
*This recipe is actually from Judy, a good friend of Susan's... Susan says: "Judy is my best raw friend. She will be joining us here (on RFR). I dragged her off to Raw Food Chef training with me! And she came up with this Blue Ribbon Winner Recipe"!
** soak lentils over night and then sprout for 2 days. I personally sprout alot of lentils and then dehydrate them and then they are ready to add to the chili whenever I make it.
I love spicy and I need to get an instant thermometer so I can heat it up to 110 or so.. actually at that heat it's warm enough and it still does not kill the enzymes. A thermometer is a necessity though and I still don't have one. I will make some kind of raw cracker for this chili.. not sure which one.. I have been thinking of trying a salty lime, cilantro recipe.. will see!
I am going to order the lentils today and make this recipe in a couple of days!
It's early here, nice and cool and quiet. I love the mornings like this. It almost feels "Fall like".. It makes me want to work on the house.. clean my closets, buy mums for my front porch, make a huge pot of chili.. guess I am going to have to work on a Raw chili recipe!! There is one in our "Falling into Raw" cookbook I am going to make and also I have one saved that our wonderful Susan on Raw Food Rehab (she has helped me so much already, thank you Susan!) posted I have been wanting to try - here is a pix of that one:
(pic courtesty of Makenzie)
Here is the thread it comes from:
Here is the recipe:
6 lg. tomatoes
1 c. lentil sprouts**
1 carrot, grated
1/2 cup celery
1 green pepper, you can use red, yellow or orange also
1 portbella mushroom
1 T. olive oil
1/4 cup Bragg's liquid aminos
2 tsp. fresh oregano or 1 tsp. dried oregano
1-2 tsp. chili powder to your taste
1-2 tsp. cumin to your taste
a dash of cayene pepper
1 T. Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar
1 T. Agave Nectar
1 cup fresh corn or frozen
Whiz up in food processor the tomatoes, mushroom and add the spices, oil etc and whiz up...add the other veggies chopped up...
*This recipe is actually from Judy, a good friend of Susan's... Susan says: "Judy is my best raw friend. She will be joining us here (on RFR). I dragged her off to Raw Food Chef training with me! And she came up with this Blue Ribbon Winner Recipe"!
** soak lentils over night and then sprout for 2 days. I personally sprout alot of lentils and then dehydrate them and then they are ready to add to the chili whenever I make it.
I love spicy and I need to get an instant thermometer so I can heat it up to 110 or so.. actually at that heat it's warm enough and it still does not kill the enzymes. A thermometer is a necessity though and I still don't have one. I will make some kind of raw cracker for this chili.. not sure which one.. I have been thinking of trying a salty lime, cilantro recipe.. will see!
I am going to order the lentils today and make this recipe in a couple of days!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Day 6 in the Vault...
I just became aware of the fact that I actually started the Vault last Friday when actually that was just our first official weigh in day.. the actual 1st true lock down day was Sat.. so today is really, truly only day 6.
I am doing GREAT. I am pretty sure I hit my 2#. (my fairy God mother, wish come true weight loss goal puts me in at needing to lose 2# a week most weeks of this initiative).

I am not counting calories - I used FitDay for over a year and I am just not going there yet if I don't have to.. I just want to rein myself in a little.
So today I am really staying on plan well and having nothing but fruit till around 1pm and then green smoothies (2-3) the rest of the day - dinner included. Tomorrow is my weigh in day at the Vault I am so glad I have signed up for this initiative.. it's already helping me with my focus and motivation.
Ultimate Goals?:
My mind of course was going full on as I woke up - it's always this way for me in the morning.. this morning I am thinking about ultimate goals for this vault.. If I had my dream come true it would be to be under 200 by the end. That’s 17 pounds (to 198) in 11 weeks. I know this is my ultimate goal but any weigh loss is good for moi! Getting under 200 will be monumental (there is that word again) for me.. it's been over 13 years.
Pig out...
-Handful of walnuts and almonds and 1 corn chip taking stuff out of dehydrator
-Coffee w/ almond milk
-Raw Granola handful
-Gauc and chips (left over from dinner the night before) - dehydrated corn chips..
-Kale, carrot, beet, pineapple smoothie (had to choke it down because I didn’t strain it)
-Corn chips (2 small)
-Granola pig out.. well half a bag anyway - my first uncontrolled eating in a while
-2 teaspoon fulls of tahini to end the pig out (strong flavor always helps me)
-2-3 T hummus and half small tomato and ½ red bell pepper for dinner - didn't need much was not very hungry.
Rawk on everyone!
I am doing GREAT. I am pretty sure I hit my 2#. (my fairy God mother, wish come true weight loss goal puts me in at needing to lose 2# a week most weeks of this initiative).
Well yesterday turned out to be a difficult day.I was a little strung out, personal reasons I decided to really not go into here *smile*.
But I had a hard day and I could feel the tension and worry pulsing in my body.. I literally felt like I was vibrating and turned to my old way of coping..
I started to pig out on this raw granola .. ya it’s raw but its’ still uncontrolled eating and I just realized here I am eating when I am not hungry - again..
I decided I needed to really feel what I am feeling (I am learning this) and try to go thru it and not numb myself with food.. instead I thought of other ways to try to relax and just let the feelings flow.. I did deep breathing, put on a fuzzy cashmere old tattered sweater that always feels like a nice hug for myself and made myself hot chamomile tea to relax.
I was very proud of myself.. it was actually quite monumental that I took control back and reined myself in on the eating.
Well today I am feeling a bit down because I ate too much yesterday and might have derailed myself on my vault weigh in.
But I had a hard day and I could feel the tension and worry pulsing in my body.. I literally felt like I was vibrating and turned to my old way of coping..
I started to pig out on this raw granola .. ya it’s raw but its’ still uncontrolled eating and I just realized here I am eating when I am not hungry - again..
I decided I needed to really feel what I am feeling (I am learning this) and try to go thru it and not numb myself with food.. instead I thought of other ways to try to relax and just let the feelings flow.. I did deep breathing, put on a fuzzy cashmere old tattered sweater that always feels like a nice hug for myself and made myself hot chamomile tea to relax.
I was very proud of myself.. it was actually quite monumental that I took control back and reined myself in on the eating.
Well today I am feeling a bit down because I ate too much yesterday and might have derailed myself on my vault weigh in.
I am not counting calories - I used FitDay for over a year and I am just not going there yet if I don't have to.. I just want to rein myself in a little.
So today I am really staying on plan well and having nothing but fruit till around 1pm and then green smoothies (2-3) the rest of the day - dinner included. Tomorrow is my weigh in day at the Vault I am so glad I have signed up for this initiative.. it's already helping me with my focus and motivation.
Ultimate Goals?:
My mind of course was going full on as I woke up - it's always this way for me in the morning.. this morning I am thinking about ultimate goals for this vault.. If I had my dream come true it would be to be under 200 by the end. That’s 17 pounds (to 198) in 11 weeks. I know this is my ultimate goal but any weigh loss is good for moi! Getting under 200 will be monumental (there is that word again) for me.. it's been over 13 years.
Pig out...
-Handful of walnuts and almonds and 1 corn chip taking stuff out of dehydrator
-Coffee w/ almond milk
-Raw Granola handful
-Gauc and chips (left over from dinner the night before) - dehydrated corn chips..
-Kale, carrot, beet, pineapple smoothie (had to choke it down because I didn’t strain it)
-Corn chips (2 small)
-Granola pig out.. well half a bag anyway - my first uncontrolled eating in a while
-2 teaspoon fulls of tahini to end the pig out (strong flavor always helps me)
-2-3 T hummus and half small tomato and ½ red bell pepper for dinner - didn't need much was not very hungry.
Rawk on everyone!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Just a quick check in...
Wonderful Digital art by Pittix on Etsy.
I wanted to come in and post my food for yesterday.. I sort of grazed all day.
-Miso with wakame warmed in dehydrator (it was in there for almost an hour and didn’t warm it at all?)
-7 almonds and a corn chip as I was turning them
-11 walnut halves a little later with chai tea made with almond milk (yum)
-2 T hummus and 2 T tahini as I was whipping up hummus
-Large corn chip (like 4") as I was checking them..
-3 handfuls (over an hour) of giraffe Raw granola YUM cheery ginger is the bomb
-lots of gauc and corn chips for dinner
Corn chips were OK.. will work on recipe before posting it.
I wanted to come in and post my food for yesterday.. I sort of grazed all day.
-Miso with wakame warmed in dehydrator (it was in there for almost an hour and didn’t warm it at all?)
-7 almonds and a corn chip as I was turning them
-11 walnut halves a little later with chai tea made with almond milk (yum)
-2 T hummus and 2 T tahini as I was whipping up hummus
-Large corn chip (like 4") as I was checking them..
-3 handfuls (over an hour) of giraffe Raw granola YUM cheery ginger is the bomb
-lots of gauc and corn chips for dinner
Corn chips were OK.. will work on recipe before posting it.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Taking a little "ME" time...
Day 5 in the Vault..
I'm still Rawking the Raw food lifestyle. I actually am working on eating MORE fruits and veggies and less nuts and seeds over the next few days.. to see it if will bump up my weight loss.. I've stalled.. well not really, I was supposed to start my period yesterday and no show. No worries, I'm not preggers I think it's just RAW foods!
Anyway I think my body is just holding on to a little water and I BET next week I will see a couple pounds off on the scale.
I am taking some time away from the computer to get some work done business wise (I have two home based businesses.. I am a Jewelry Designer and I also have a Gemstone Sales site..
Here are a couple of my sites:
My main Gallery Site:
My Etsy Lovely LUXE store:
My Etsy CaryMartinDesigns store:
My Etsy gemstone store:
Anyway I really am very behind and I know I just need a couple of days.. my main priority is STILL our health and home.
I'll be back soon!
I'm still Rawking the Raw food lifestyle. I actually am working on eating MORE fruits and veggies and less nuts and seeds over the next few days.. to see it if will bump up my weight loss.. I've stalled.. well not really, I was supposed to start my period yesterday and no show. No worries, I'm not preggers I think it's just RAW foods!
Anyway I think my body is just holding on to a little water and I BET next week I will see a couple pounds off on the scale.
I am taking some time away from the computer to get some work done business wise (I have two home based businesses.. I am a Jewelry Designer and I also have a Gemstone Sales site..
Here are a couple of my sites:
My main Gallery Site:
My Etsy Lovely LUXE store:
My Etsy CaryMartinDesigns store:
My Etsy gemstone store:
Anyway I really am very behind and I know I just need a couple of days.. my main priority is STILL our health and home.
I'll be back soon!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Day 4 in the VAULT~
A Fantastic Four, Ha!
This is going to be a long post because I have allot to say and wanted to give you a couple of recipes I make over and over that I LOVE!
Day four of our 11 week initiative in the Vault at Raw Food Rehab:
You can read about it and download the books for this detox at the above site. Raw Food Rehab is an excellent site.
Today I feel pretty well! I think my sinus yuck is better this morning although it got bad again last night.. seems to be the way it presents itself - at night..
Seemed to sleep VERY hard last night.. woke up about an hour later than I usually do… and only because DH’s phone went off.
Had a cup of coffee with almond cream this morning.. honestly I am not truly convinced that good organic wine and organic coffee (without dairy) is really that bad for me OCCASIONALLY. It’s not that I am addicted actually .. It’s been a couple of weeks since I’ve had a cup I just wanted it this morning as I was making DH's..
Last night I made my very fav meal so far.. zucchini spiraled into angel hair with my fav. Red sauce (recipe to follow) with pesto pine nut parmesan on top and the last of our corn zuch crackers on the side..
It was a large bowl and I couldn’t finish it all. I had a glass of organic wine with. I have found that when I drink now (maybe 2-3x a month now – red wine only) I can’t even drink an entire glass.. gone are the days I could put away an entire bottle! I think my body is just more clean and booze effects me much more quickly.. another VerY interesting thing is I no longer crave any alcohol at all! ESPECIALLY the hard liquor I used to consume.
I was the martini queen for several years with my girlfriends and always asked to invent a new drink for every party.. whenever we would all go out for cocktails I was always asked to pick the place and choose drinks for everyone to try. I was very much into booze and the social aspects of "the cocktail hour".. not really an alcoholic but only because I think I was lucky. I for sure got my buzz on very often, on a regular basis I guess.
I went for quite a while w/o any alcohol at all when I started working on my health and now a glass of wine a week is wonderful but a totally different scene for me. I think the only reason I want it is because I love it in the sauce and the bottle is already open.
This red sauce to follow is my very fav. I think I was Italian in another life and Italian food is my very fav. cuisine. I truly rate an Italian restaurant by their red sauce (doesn’t everyone?). My very fav. meal of all time is a simple spicy red sauce with good parm on top (no meat) on a nice pile of angel hair. A glass of red wine and WAY too much bread and an absolutely ridiculous amount of butter.
This sauce IMO is the best Raw tomato sauce ever. I tried 5 different recipes when I first became raw. Here is the recipe:
( I can’t believe I am posting it here, I think I could make a fortune with this recipe but think finding things we love can help us on this path and THATS more important than all the money in the world!)
Raw Spicy Red Sauce:
1 C tomato (good tomato is important I like to use one large beautiful dark burgundy heirloom tomato from WF!)
1/2 dehydrated tomato (I bought a bunch of heirloom tomatoes and dehydrated them just for this sauce)
2 T balsamic vinegar
¼ C Lemon Juice
1/3 C Organic Sulfite Free Red wine (I get mine from WF)
2 T Nama Shoyu
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper – (I love spicy red sauce –I used more)
1- clove garlic (green middle sprout vein removed – makes it less harsh)
1/2 date
Dulse (a large pinch for the mega minerals and a salty flavor)
1/3 C soaked cashews
¼ C pine nuts
A little water to get to a thick pouring consistency – as much as you like.. I like mine thick because it’s always watered down by the zucchini spirals.
I use two zucchini per person and make angel hair with my spiralizer.
Pesto PineNut Parmesan:
Obviously this has to be made 2-3 days in advance.. it takes 2 days to dehydrate in my excalabur.
But it's one of my staples – good on salads, in wraps.. on a spoon! (ha)...
1 C soaked cashews
1 C pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds soaked
1T star nutritional yeast
2 T lemon juice
1 T seasalt
1 T water (may need more)
½ c pine nuts
2 C basil (not smushed, just lightly measured)
¼ C lime juice - I like even more!
Black pepper
To blend:
Basically I put it in the vitamix in this layer:
First the citrus juices and the water then the basil then spices and yeast and then the seeds/nuts.
This makes allot (to me) and I used half of it as a spread in collard/veggie wraps and dehydrated the other half as a topping.
Spread on flex sheets and dehydrate.. I go in and break it up a bit and sort of stir it around every 8 hours or so.. it takes two days to get to where you can crumble it.
AND I had a few people ask about my Corn Zucchini crackers.. I am so in love with these.. right now they are my very fav. DH loves them too and I make them thick for him and he spreads avo, onion, tomato and capers on it for breakfast sometimes.
Raw Zucchini – Corn – Jalapeno – Sunflower Seed Crackers
1 C ground almonds (soak overnight then rinse well and allow to drain an hour)
1 C flax seeds – ground
1 C sunflower seeds (soak overnight then rinse well and allow to drain an hour)
6 Ears of fresh corn cut off the cob (I’ve also used frozen organic)
3 zucchini
1-2- jalapeno (depending on how hot you like! – I use two and it’s pretty hot!) or cayenne to taste
1/2 C finely chopped yellow onion
Seasalt (1 teaspoon)
3 T Olive Oil
3 T Honey – I’ve found lately this is not needed – corn is pretty sweet or I am losing my taste for sweet!
Shred zucchini in food processor, put in LARGE bowl, grind nuts/seeds in food processor and add to bowl, grind corn and onion and jalapeno in food processor and add to bowl. Add salt, oil and honey (opt) to bowl and stir (will be a little watery) allow to sit about 15 min for flax to make it really thick.
I use a large soup spoon or an offset spatula and spread to thickness I like. Spread to at least about ¼ inch (don’t get too thin) thickness – can make them even thicker for a breakfast type bread.
Dehydrate until they are easy to take off the flex mats (mine takes about 8 hours) and then take them off and put them on the tray just on the screen and dehydrate till crisp. Obviously the thicker the longer it takes.
I plan on adding some nice Japanese Dulse or other flaked seaweed in them next time!.
Food Yesterday:
Banana and water FIRST thing! Very hungry and a little shaky when I got up..
2 black plums (luscious!)
Pumpkin spice tea latte from our Falling Into Raw book!
cantaloupe pineapple maraschino cherry salad
spiral zucchini with my fav red sauce with wine/sundried tom. Topped with dehydrated basil pesto parm and had corn zuch crackers on the side.
Lara bar dessert
Pix of my lovely Pumpkin Spice Rooibous Latte from Falling Into Raw Recipe Book:
This was EXCELLENT. I doubled up on the rooibous because I like my tea strong and made my own almond milk extra thick. DH really dug this and I was HAPPY! Thanks Penni! (I mentioned the "Falling Into Raw" downloadable books in a recent post. . GREAT for the Holidays!).
I seemed to be very hungry yesterday.. Supposed to start my period today.. will see. I have no PMS or cramping which is the BOMB.. totally do not feel like I am going to start.
Wow my posts are getting Long! If you actually red this entire thing, thank you so much! I hope someone tries the red sauce, seriously it’s amazing.
I've been playing around myself to build a holiday repertoire of Raw food recipes. I want to make it thru the holidays being true to myself and my path but also have it FEEL like our Holidays of past..
I want to have a sweet potato couscous type of casserole with almonds and currants or raisins.. and a nice salad with citrus and pomegranate seeds..
I think a Raw pecan pie will be in the planning! I am already saving my pulp from my almond milk as a base for some crust experiments. My grandparents had pecan trees and pecan EVERYTHING was always on the holiday menu.
Now if I could just come up with a Hot Buttered Rum idea.. ha!
Have a great Raw day my loves!
This is going to be a long post because I have allot to say and wanted to give you a couple of recipes I make over and over that I LOVE!
Day four of our 11 week initiative in the Vault at Raw Food Rehab:
You can read about it and download the books for this detox at the above site. Raw Food Rehab is an excellent site.
Today I feel pretty well! I think my sinus yuck is better this morning although it got bad again last night.. seems to be the way it presents itself - at night..
Seemed to sleep VERY hard last night.. woke up about an hour later than I usually do… and only because DH’s phone went off.
Had a cup of coffee with almond cream this morning.. honestly I am not truly convinced that good organic wine and organic coffee (without dairy) is really that bad for me OCCASIONALLY. It’s not that I am addicted actually .. It’s been a couple of weeks since I’ve had a cup I just wanted it this morning as I was making DH's..
Last night I made my very fav meal so far.. zucchini spiraled into angel hair with my fav. Red sauce (recipe to follow) with pesto pine nut parmesan on top and the last of our corn zuch crackers on the side..
It was a large bowl and I couldn’t finish it all. I had a glass of organic wine with. I have found that when I drink now (maybe 2-3x a month now – red wine only) I can’t even drink an entire glass.. gone are the days I could put away an entire bottle! I think my body is just more clean and booze effects me much more quickly.. another VerY interesting thing is I no longer crave any alcohol at all! ESPECIALLY the hard liquor I used to consume.
I was the martini queen for several years with my girlfriends and always asked to invent a new drink for every party.. whenever we would all go out for cocktails I was always asked to pick the place and choose drinks for everyone to try. I was very much into booze and the social aspects of "the cocktail hour".. not really an alcoholic but only because I think I was lucky. I for sure got my buzz on very often, on a regular basis I guess.
I went for quite a while w/o any alcohol at all when I started working on my health and now a glass of wine a week is wonderful but a totally different scene for me. I think the only reason I want it is because I love it in the sauce and the bottle is already open.
This red sauce to follow is my very fav. I think I was Italian in another life and Italian food is my very fav. cuisine. I truly rate an Italian restaurant by their red sauce (doesn’t everyone?). My very fav. meal of all time is a simple spicy red sauce with good parm on top (no meat) on a nice pile of angel hair. A glass of red wine and WAY too much bread and an absolutely ridiculous amount of butter.
This sauce IMO is the best Raw tomato sauce ever. I tried 5 different recipes when I first became raw. Here is the recipe:
( I can’t believe I am posting it here, I think I could make a fortune with this recipe but think finding things we love can help us on this path and THATS more important than all the money in the world!)
Raw Spicy Red Sauce:
1 C tomato (good tomato is important I like to use one large beautiful dark burgundy heirloom tomato from WF!)
1/2 dehydrated tomato (I bought a bunch of heirloom tomatoes and dehydrated them just for this sauce)
2 T balsamic vinegar
¼ C Lemon Juice
1/3 C Organic Sulfite Free Red wine (I get mine from WF)
2 T Nama Shoyu
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper – (I love spicy red sauce –I used more)
1- clove garlic (green middle sprout vein removed – makes it less harsh)
1/2 date
Dulse (a large pinch for the mega minerals and a salty flavor)
1/3 C soaked cashews
¼ C pine nuts
A little water to get to a thick pouring consistency – as much as you like.. I like mine thick because it’s always watered down by the zucchini spirals.
I use two zucchini per person and make angel hair with my spiralizer.
Pesto PineNut Parmesan:
Obviously this has to be made 2-3 days in advance.. it takes 2 days to dehydrate in my excalabur.
But it's one of my staples – good on salads, in wraps.. on a spoon! (ha)...
1 C soaked cashews
1 C pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds soaked
1T star nutritional yeast
2 T lemon juice
1 T seasalt
1 T water (may need more)
½ c pine nuts
2 C basil (not smushed, just lightly measured)
¼ C lime juice - I like even more!
Black pepper
To blend:
Basically I put it in the vitamix in this layer:
First the citrus juices and the water then the basil then spices and yeast and then the seeds/nuts.
This makes allot (to me) and I used half of it as a spread in collard/veggie wraps and dehydrated the other half as a topping.
Spread on flex sheets and dehydrate.. I go in and break it up a bit and sort of stir it around every 8 hours or so.. it takes two days to get to where you can crumble it.
AND I had a few people ask about my Corn Zucchini crackers.. I am so in love with these.. right now they are my very fav. DH loves them too and I make them thick for him and he spreads avo, onion, tomato and capers on it for breakfast sometimes.
Raw Zucchini – Corn – Jalapeno – Sunflower Seed Crackers
1 C ground almonds (soak overnight then rinse well and allow to drain an hour)
1 C flax seeds – ground
1 C sunflower seeds (soak overnight then rinse well and allow to drain an hour)
6 Ears of fresh corn cut off the cob (I’ve also used frozen organic)
3 zucchini
1-2- jalapeno (depending on how hot you like! – I use two and it’s pretty hot!) or cayenne to taste
1/2 C finely chopped yellow onion
Seasalt (1 teaspoon)
3 T Olive Oil
3 T Honey – I’ve found lately this is not needed – corn is pretty sweet or I am losing my taste for sweet!
Shred zucchini in food processor, put in LARGE bowl, grind nuts/seeds in food processor and add to bowl, grind corn and onion and jalapeno in food processor and add to bowl. Add salt, oil and honey (opt) to bowl and stir (will be a little watery) allow to sit about 15 min for flax to make it really thick.
I use a large soup spoon or an offset spatula and spread to thickness I like. Spread to at least about ¼ inch (don’t get too thin) thickness – can make them even thicker for a breakfast type bread.
Dehydrate until they are easy to take off the flex mats (mine takes about 8 hours) and then take them off and put them on the tray just on the screen and dehydrate till crisp. Obviously the thicker the longer it takes.
I plan on adding some nice Japanese Dulse or other flaked seaweed in them next time!.
Food Yesterday:
Banana and water FIRST thing! Very hungry and a little shaky when I got up..
2 black plums (luscious!)
Pumpkin spice tea latte from our Falling Into Raw book!
cantaloupe pineapple maraschino cherry salad
spiral zucchini with my fav red sauce with wine/sundried tom. Topped with dehydrated basil pesto parm and had corn zuch crackers on the side.
Lara bar dessert
Pix of my lovely Pumpkin Spice Rooibous Latte from Falling Into Raw Recipe Book:
This was EXCELLENT. I doubled up on the rooibous because I like my tea strong and made my own almond milk extra thick. DH really dug this and I was HAPPY! Thanks Penni! (I mentioned the "Falling Into Raw" downloadable books in a recent post. . GREAT for the Holidays!).
I seemed to be very hungry yesterday.. Supposed to start my period today.. will see. I have no PMS or cramping which is the BOMB.. totally do not feel like I am going to start.
Wow my posts are getting Long! If you actually red this entire thing, thank you so much! I hope someone tries the red sauce, seriously it’s amazing.
I've been playing around myself to build a holiday repertoire of Raw food recipes. I want to make it thru the holidays being true to myself and my path but also have it FEEL like our Holidays of past..
I want to have a sweet potato couscous type of casserole with almonds and currants or raisins.. and a nice salad with citrus and pomegranate seeds..
I think a Raw pecan pie will be in the planning! I am already saving my pulp from my almond milk as a base for some crust experiments. My grandparents had pecan trees and pecan EVERYTHING was always on the holiday menu.
Now if I could just come up with a Hot Buttered Rum idea.. ha!
Have a great Raw day my loves!
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Feelings of Gratitude...
I want to talk this morning about gratitude. It’s such a beautiful, cool morning and I feel such a sense of calmness and overall peace in my soul and in my household.
I feel intuitively that I have finally found my path. I am moving at last, in the right direction. Toxic badness is leaving me. I can feel it.
I have a deep excitement that is bubbling up and I am so grateful.
I am grateful for my husband who supports me ALWAYS in whatever I do, with a grounding calmness that always astounds me. I feel so blessed to have him in my life.
I am blessed to be able to have my time at home and not have to work if I don’t want to (I do actually run two businesses.. a jewelry design business and a gemstone sales website) but I know in my heart that this is not my priority right now… and I am allowed to follow the guidance the universe is giving me and let my businesses fall away a bit right now. I don’t feel guilt and we are ok financially if I am careful.
I am grateful for the KNOWLEDGE that is everywhere re: the High Raw lifestyle. How much information is out there astounds me! It’s a HUGE movement. I had no idea.
I am grateful for my friends and family and their support and even participation and encouragement. My mother and one of my sisters have disease they are dealing with and I feel in my heart part of the reason I am drawn to Raw is to help them and encourage THEM… and I love that.
I am grateful for where we live.. in the middle of a bunch of citrus groves and can’t wait for the upcoming citrus crop in the next couple of months!
Most of all I am grateful for health. I know I am on the right track for myself, my darling husband (the genius I married!) and my family. I can’t wait to see what life will bring as I travel down this astounding path.
I wish you all, anyone that is reading this a wonderful weekend.
I feel intuitively that I have finally found my path. I am moving at last, in the right direction. Toxic badness is leaving me. I can feel it.
I have a deep excitement that is bubbling up and I am so grateful.
I am grateful for my husband who supports me ALWAYS in whatever I do, with a grounding calmness that always astounds me. I feel so blessed to have him in my life.
I am blessed to be able to have my time at home and not have to work if I don’t want to (I do actually run two businesses.. a jewelry design business and a gemstone sales website) but I know in my heart that this is not my priority right now… and I am allowed to follow the guidance the universe is giving me and let my businesses fall away a bit right now. I don’t feel guilt and we are ok financially if I am careful.
I am grateful for the KNOWLEDGE that is everywhere re: the High Raw lifestyle. How much information is out there astounds me! It’s a HUGE movement. I had no idea.
I am grateful for my friends and family and their support and even participation and encouragement. My mother and one of my sisters have disease they are dealing with and I feel in my heart part of the reason I am drawn to Raw is to help them and encourage THEM… and I love that.
I am grateful for where we live.. in the middle of a bunch of citrus groves and can’t wait for the upcoming citrus crop in the next couple of months!
Most of all I am grateful for health. I know I am on the right track for myself, my darling husband (the genius I married!) and my family. I can’t wait to see what life will bring as I travel down this astounding path.
I wish you all, anyone that is reading this a wonderful weekend.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Facination with Detox!
I think detox is a fascination for me. Maybe it's that way for most Raw foodists?
So far I've had the usual.. headache, sinus yuck, joint stiffness and body fatigue, (some days I would sleep all day if I could) and mild achy feelings.
AND some strange things I also believe are detox related. Right now I have swelling in my left foot (an area that I was told by a podiatrist that I had arthritis), a deep ache in an area on both of my upper arms, high up almost under my arms toward the back where I am pretty sure there are clusters of lymph nodes and lately also lots of tearing in my eyes which seems strange but I guess has to be just a detox route!
I welcome it all. I want to know I am making up for some of the not so nice things I have done to this body.
Cheers (with my bubbly kombucha of course!) to Detox
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