Good Morning~
I am down 3 pounds!
Ya.. feeling pretty good. Very light and energetic EVEN with the detox.
Having itching all over my skin (I've read this is yes, another detox symptom). Even my hands and fingers.
Again with really bad diarrhea (fun ha? ugg!) this morning.
I ate 90% raw yesterday. Yesterday was actually day three at 70-90% raw. I had been eating an Amy’s Organics meal at dinner a couple of times and raw the rest of the day.
I am committing to eating as close to 100% raw for the next 10 days as I can.
So this is DAY 1 of as High Raw (95% at least - because of my "not truly raw" almonds damn it!):
My truly raw almonds I ordered are not in yet (almonds that you buy in the stores are NOT truly raw even if they say they are, even at WholeFoods because The CA Almond Board (almonds grown in the US are pretty much all from CA) instated an industry wide pasteurization on all of their nuts now):
I have been buying my almonds (and Marcona! YUM!) from Spain but have run out (they are not pasteurized there) and just found a small farm in CA that has found a way to sell them in small amounts. (they can sell up to 100# a day in road side stands to locals – unpasteurized). I ordered 5# Almonds and 5# Walnuts.. really raw YEAH!
Anyway what I was getting at is that I am still eating nuts that are not “truly” raw. My almonds and cashews (got both coming to me that are truly raw, soon). so even at the very best I can do I only think I can be 95-98% raw.
My sunflower seeds and sesame seeds are truly raw.. as are my raisins.
Food Yesterday:
For breakfast I had my corn/zucchini crackers with avocado, tomato and onion on top.. man they were GOOD..
and fruit (apples – 3) over the next 4 hours with lots of water with greens powder (I am actually getting to where I like this fine.) I will be doing green shakes soon. I have a Vitamix just have to stock up on all the GREENS!
For a very late lunch I had a large bowl of broccoli, carrot, raisin slaw (love this stuff). It’s shredded broccoli, celery and carrots with raisins, raw honey (just a bit) fresh lime juice (LOTS), and sunflower seeds.
This keeps well for three days in the fridge and is actually even better the 2nd and 3rd day because the raisins get plump.
It’s so fresh and tart and sweet. I had about a cup of it with a couple more corn/zucchini (posted recipe yesterday) crackers.
For dinner I had black sesame and raw garlic humus with broccoli spears. It was not much, I didn't need much. I was actually very satisfied all day.
I will start posting my food everyday, from the day before. I get motivated reading other's blogs and hope that someday someone will come across mine after I have lost all my weight and am HEALTHY and a huge Raw advocate and read my blog and gain insite and motivation from it like I have THIS blog:
I am reading a bit of Michelle's story each day, I find myself reading it a little at a time because I don't want to get thru it too quickly! It's so amazing to watch her change and I want to take my time and really READ it. Michelle is amazing.
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