I've done several juice fasts.. One thing I love about them (there are many) is the way it resets your food cravings.. you actually CRAVE whole healthy foods.. I also love to do a juice fast close to the Equinox each season.. Sort of a way to re-focus on my health and taking care of my body.
So in getting ready I am no longer having processed foods (ya I will miss the crackers) and I have planned several good vegan meals I am going to cook in bulk and prep so I have foods available.
I am also going back to lots of fruit and green smoothies until 4PM.. Basically Raw Till 4.
I usually Intermittant Fast until noon -1PM so eating lots of fruit first and then a green smoothie a couple hours later holds me until 4pm..
Tonight I am doing stirfried broccoli with oranges, onions, carrots, red bell pepper, orange zest, TONS of ginger and Nama Shoyu. I will have a bit of brown rice on the side.
I've ordered some Evening Primrose Oil to take while on my Juice Fast.. and also some Milk Thistle tincture to support my poor liver thru the detox.
I'll post my juice fast here as I go along.. I am starting October 7th.
well it's almost 230pm an I am not hungry yet.. it's really weird!! I did have my first juice w/ zuchinni and green apple and lime and I did eat way too much garbage yesterday so maybe that's still around in my body.. I am going to go ahead and make a green juice..
<--- 2ND JUICE TODAY was lime juice, beet greens (just came on my beets) parsley, broccoli, tomato, cucumber, and celery.. it was very green but I liked it.. VERY green though..
I also notice with my Hurom (amazing juice press!)I have to strain thru a fine sieve.. it's leaving in some pulp and I believe that could keep me trying to digest.. but when I strained thru my sieve it is for sure just juice and I am good to go.
I feel FINE today.. it's weird because normally day one sucks.. I will have a headache and normally just feel like hell..but I have been doing a no dairy, no grains, no processed crap no sugar diet for the last week so that maybe may have helped.
I made myself clean the kitchen and get geared up.. this fast was planned but then the last few days I didn't really get it in gear until I finally decided it's a go! So my kitchen and fridge are a mess.. really prep is important and planning and such but this time I blew it with that. I know the next 5-6 days are going to be a mother fucker but I work from home and honestly I can just lay in bed if I want to.. I am actually curious how it will go.. detox wise.
5:45PM I MADE A WATERMELON lime juice.. yum!
Today sure has been pretty easy..
Juice fast Day 2... I weighed 233.6 this AM so I am down 2 pounds.. I woke around 5am.. woozy and really thirsty.. drank some plain water with a few drops Concentrace minerals added..
and decided to stay in bed and read a while.. around 7am I got up and took my Pug baby Sukiyaki out and made myself a lemon water w/ ½ teaspoon celtic salt.. feeling fair.
I've been reading Angela Starks old juice fast book.. it's good.. it's the old protocol with additional bee polen, kelp granules (decided to just powder some of my seaweed in my bullet) and a little oil each day (using Omega 3 carlsons orange fish oil for my oil daily) and also adding milk thistle occasionally and also oregano oil and evening primrose and I ordered some cascada sagrada and bee pollen/propolis/honey to have daily also.. supposed to use cascada sagrada daily to keep things moving and also enema every 3 days.. I am going to see how long I go and maybe if I go more than 30 days I will order some white oak bark and ginger root capsules to shrink my colon and aid in elimination and repair of any prolapsus.. supposedly.. you are to use this after a very long juice fast.. so I will see...
I would love to do a long juice fast as I feel there will never be such a perfect opportunity as this fucking isolation we are having to do with Covid.. I could come out of this damned nighmare much more healthy (fuck covid). That would be amazing. There is also chance pedra ? Stonebreaker I am supposed to be taking if I do this very long.. will see.. and when I am thru I should take triphala for 6 month! To gently rebuild peristalsis and tone my colon. This is all from David Rainosheck's original Juice feasting protocol that Angela writes about in her book.
I made us a ginger apple tonic shots first thing (after lemon water w/ pinch of salt and a few drops concentrace minerals)
these were SO GOOD!!!
it's 9am and I fell very well.. I am not hungry and I am going to fast until I get hungry and make a couple batches of juice in mason jars maybe.. so I am prepared a little ahead of time.. I can't believe I don't have a headache.
around 11am I made a watermelon lime juice!! So good.
I love to stock up on all kinds of sparkling water when I do a juice fast...
I am usually doing juice fasts to help deal with my food cravings.. I find that after a fast I crave fruits and veg and can easily eat Vegan for quite a while before I start having food issues again.. I hope to some day get this all figured out...
about noon I had an entire bottle of pellegrino like mineral water (green bottls) I got at Aldi
I love Kate Flowers on YouTube!..
I love watching her videos they are very inspiring.. and she is so cute.. I wish I had found a healthy lifestyle when I was in my 20s!!around 2pm I made us my old favorite juice w/ romaine, lemon, celery, parsley and cucumber. I put a bit too much parsley in it though.. it was still good.
I am craving something sweet in a while.. maybe cantaloupe.. we have one that looks very ripe... and for dinner I am making warmed V8 soup style w/ a T of my Omega 3 Carlsons fish oil.. I need to take daily.
I was sure more hungry today.. It seemed I was constantly juicing or having tea.
I made the cantaloupe juice with a little lime.. yum!
Today I had a quick urge, very fleeting, to go eat ANYTHING in the kitchen as fast as I coud. but I told myself “I absolutely refuse to give in yet”, I also wrote on my bathroom mirror " I want to see what happens". Meaning I want to see how my body heals I want to see what I look like slimmer I want to see detox and what it might look like for me I want to go through this experience I want to succeed. I want to do a longer juice fast this time (I have done maybe 12 juice fasts so far.. longest 16 days). Yesterday still no headache which is so amazing. Every juice fast Ive ever done started with 2 or 3 days of headaches and feeling hellish ...the craving came on quickly.. I felt anxious and nervous and very irritable.. I was in the middle of trying to figure out how long I can go on this juice fast.. worrying about our anniversary in July.. I do want us to have a nice meal that night.. and I also wonder if we could go to cocoa beach which is close but I worry with Covid about a hotel.. we have not left the house in four months.. we could take a cooler w/ our meals and stay on the beach an just walk on the beach at night and maybe get a bit of sun on the beach if it's not too crowded.. I don't know.. maybe not. Maybe just stay home this year and keep on my juice fast... anyway after the craving and irritability came I comforted myself a bit w a hot spicy tea and added some raw honey (ok on this protocol).
DINNER was brilliant and so good. I took some V8 (low sodium but enough salt for sure) and warmed it a bit.. added a few splashes tobacco and ate it like soup. It was very comforting. I also took 2 T of Omega 3 fish oil right before dinner.. I think I will do a soup tonight with the leftover broccoli and zucchini and spinach.. and garlic and I have and some celery and carrot and maybe even onion? And a splash of worstershire?? I have found that for me not being militant about 100% raw juices helps tremendously. I also don't worry about honey or worstershire.. do what is best for YOU.. I'll do me.
Juice Fast Day 3
I woke at 6am.. I am down 2 more pounds.. for a total of 4 pounds in two days.. I am losing slower than last juice fasts but I am adding salt (in my V8 style juices and salt in lemon water) I've learned from previous fasts I lose water weight really quickly and that causes issues for me. I had a bit of “vibrating” feeling in my body.. I am unsure if this is freed up energy (digesting take 60% of your vital energy so juice fasting frees that up for healing).
I had a CO water at 7:30AM had a Co Water at 7:30 AM
..and instantly I felt so good...in my previous fasts I refused to have any juice that was not raw that I had made myself but halfway thru my last one I supplemented with a couple of bottled organic juices and coconut water! I had a couple of days I just could not deal with the freaking juicer and they saved me... I have to keep coconut water in stock.. I no longer worry about it not being raw.. my body obviously loved and needed it.
9am I took a long shower.. I scrubbed, scrubbed, scrubbed hard.. because I detox so much thru my skin... I get itchy and feel yucky and have to shower more often on a juice fast.. I also don't have a dry brush so I make up for it with my scrub mitt. I felt so lovely just standing there with the warm water soothing over me.. I am starting to “feel more” everything just feels more sensory. It was wonderful.. I can't wait for that “I am everything and everything is me” feeling!!! Yeah Biophotons!!..
I was so fuzzy and disconnected before I started my juicefast.. I also don't feel like such a slug.. not great energy but noticeably better so far.
I'm not feeling hungry this AM but I am thirsty.. so I am drinking lots of water too.. I bought a couple cases of Hint (something about this water tastes so good.. maybe it's added minerals) and the tiny essence of different fruits gets me looking forward to them.
I feel so calm this morning.. I am combing out my hair (takes forever) and just feel tranquil.. that's the word.
1pm I made my first juice of the day (just waiting until i am truly hungry) and it's so good! It's cilantro, cucumber, pineapple.. so good..
..I didn't even get crazy hungry just wanting to stave off any emergencies hunger.. I had my co water first thing and then at around 10 I had a hot jasmine green tea with my ginger honey.. so good.. I also had a teaspoon of honey extra just on the spoon.. I let it melt and it was so good .. I know honey is ok on this protocol, so cool and I highly recommend that ginger honey!.
Patrick and I watched the Joe cross movie again today.. i have watched it maybe 10 times.. every time I do a juice fast I watch it.. I feel like reinforcing my desire to get healthy by reading and watching motivational videos (also Jason Vale's Superjuice vid is a must watch)..
I made a couple of juices around 4.. one with watercresss (almost used too much.. very spicy bitter but I love bitter right now) beet, tomato, carrot and beet green.. pretty in the juice container!
This was absolutely the most bitter drink I have had so far.. I drank it ok.. and I am impressed my hubs drank it! I made a went ahead and made a sweeter drink for later.. a watermelon lime and grape.. and put it in the fridge.
Watermelon, lime and grape...
I used small 8 ounce pretty wine glasses and saved half of it for after dinner... which was good because my dinner juice made me very nauseated and I could not drink it! TOO MUCH RAW GARLIC!
MY FIRST FAIL OF THIS JUICE FAST: I like to make a juice at night and warm it in a double boiler (I warm to only 100 deg so save enzymes and vitamins).. I have done this for almost all my juice fasts. Usually I come up with good combos and this one had broccoli and a zuchinni and a carrot but I also added 1 tiny clove of raw garlic and half a tiny onion.. I put a few splashes of worstershire on it and really thought it tasted GooD but my body was NOT happy and I instantly got really nauseated! I was glad I had extra sweet juice left from earlier!
Today has been so easy! I almost am fearful to write that.. but maybe it's because I have already slowly detoxed a bit from the week of no sugar, dairy, grains or processed. All totally home made with a good deal of raw (lots of fruit and salads). More Paleo style though.. with potato, plantains or butternut squash with our dinners.. I feel good and it's already the evening.. I am excited to see how this juice fast treats me and my body..
I know I am doing a loving thing for myself, I've never been great at doing “for my own good”.. I have in the past had a very indulgent personality and let myself down so often, I am almost afraid to get too hopeful.. like I need to stay laser focused and not get even the slightest lax and think I “have it”.... I don't “have it” and maybe that's ok.. maybe realizing this is only a tiny little tentative hold I've made, only a very small step in my improving my health is the right way to look at it.. but thinking about all the failure the last 10 years of trying to get healthy is not good either I would think, so I try to stay in the now, not think too much of the future and just do what I have to do, what I can do, today..
Juice Fast day 4.. I weighed 230.8 so I'm down another pound for 5 pounds in 3 days.. but I could not go to the bathroom (time for an enema) I woke up at 6 a.m. and I feel pretty good just a little shaky and I'm pretty sure that's just because I need sustenance! I can't get over how easy this has been. I don't really understand why I didn't have any detox symptoms and today is the tail-end of the worst of it unless I have a healing crisis. Any painful detox I've had in the past has been done by day 5. I am just thankful and I'm going with it. Maybe it is just going to facilitate me doing a longer fast this time.
I need to get prunes in the house on my next grocery trip.. I use prunes soaked in juice as my 1st meal when I break my fast, however long it may be.. and I need to make sure I have something like watermelon for my second stage and then watery veg fruits for salad stuff like tomatoes and cucumbers for my third stage I need to be extremely careful if I do a long one and then come off very very carefully.
It's actually scary to me to think about coming off after a long fast. In the past I've always not done great coming off. The second I start eating I am so incredibly famished it's very hard to have self control. One of the reasons I think would be great to do this I was thinking about last night is the fact that I will be able to see what I might have in the way of food sensitivities. Especially if I do one group of foods at a time. I know that my first challenge I want to try will be beans. And then the grains. I can't imagine giving up most meat and being at least very close to vegan without being able to eat beans and Grains and I think I have a problem with grains... especially oatmeal!
So yesterday was good today it's going to be even better I'm sure. I can't wait to have some really great energy I have felt so depressed and lethargic the last couple of months. I have been working on it though.
I had already had about 2 weeks of no grains, no sugar, no processed, no Dairy.. Paleo style eating but I love being a raw foodist and I've done months of raw food in the past and really want to get back to a very high raw diet and I need to work on cravings and a juice fast is one of the most amazing things to kick cravings to the curb..
2pm..I had a green juice a couple of hours ago and I am still not hungry.. I wonder if I should be juicing anyway?
well I did an enema, it sure took a long time with setting up and then washing everything (towels, pillowcase, etc just to be safe). Last juice fast I would do one when I got a headache but no headache so far but I know a coffee enema is very beneficial so I did one.. you have to wait at least 2 days in between to let good colon bacteria re-proliferate.. so no more enema till then LOL! It was pretty ok, I feel good.. lighter for sure *grin*
I am taking Omega 3 (Carlson's orange) 2 T at night with my dinner juice.. it's not bad and I need the fat and some form of fat is on the protocol.
I just ordered several bottles of this:
.. I got it from vitacost.. the sparkling juice at Publix has high fructose corn syrup in it.. WTF and WHY!
I am going to look forward to having some every night with my hubs.. as my reward for one more day accomplished on my juice fast! If you are reading this and thinking to yourself how bad bottled juices are.. sorry. I find that an occasional treat like this or a bottled juice when I just don't have it in me to fire up my juicer keeps me going on my fast and that is a win in my book.. and I really look forward to this little sparkling treat at the end of my day~
Juices today:
-Coconut Water 1st thing.. I wake up NOT hungry but know I need sustenance and to hydrate so CO water works out really well..
-Hot green jasmine tea while hubs had his coffee.. I sweeten my teas with Sweetleaf stevia drops.. I love the Valencia Orange for my AM tea and sometimes add the chocolate or vanilla one to my afternoon tea...
_-1230pm I made my first juice.. it is nice! It has organic, mixed field greens, carrot, celery, apple and cucumber:: forgot to get pix!
4pm I got really hungry and panicked a bit getting something made quickly.. I made carrot, celery, red and yellow bell pepper.. i'm almost finished with it and I think I need something else right now too.. maybe some V8 but I will have to strain it.. I am pretty sure it's got pureed tomato in it..
530pm I made a V8 soup.. I stained it because they blend the tomatoes and it's more of a smoothie than a juice, I added my flaked salt (think about truffle salt next time) and a splash of Worstershire and Tobasco and it's so good. I love a warm "juice" soup for dinner on my juice fasts.
8pm Hubs had to go into the office for several hours today and when he got home... although I was not really hungry he's been enjoying the juices so I made us a pineapple, celery, parsley & cucumber one, it was delish!
I am already getting board with my juices.. I am thinking of some new recipes.. one of them needs to be a good green juice for dinner soup.. and I think I will use zuchinni for a slight 'creaminess”. I was leaning toward broccoli but I don't want to do raw broccoli often.. maybe spinach (Suja green juice) and zuch and red bell? IDK.. fuck. Maybe warm some veggie broth paste and add suja green juice to it? I will experiment. I find myself really looking forward to my evening warm juice soups. I use a double boiler and a thermometer to make sure I keep juice "live" and don't go over 100 deg.
day 4 continued ...well I still can't believe how easy this has been! It has never been so smooth going for me. No headaches, no crazy hunger except- I do get hungry right before meal time but it's just normal hunger.
My energy is not great. My Bee Pollen & Royal Honey finally came in yesterday.
They really help your energy and the bee pollen also has protein. This is on this protocol. (for more indepth on this protocol read Angela Stokes 90day juice fast blog): https://rawreform.blogspot.com/2006/11/day-1-yeeeeeeeeee-hah.html
I also ordered some vegan pea protein that I can shake up into my juices if I continue much longer for more protein. I actually have never added the protein powder. This particular addition is not part of the David Rain & John Rose protocol, it is one of Joe Cross's additions on his extended juice fast plan.. I'm sort of doing a blend of my own things on this fast.
Days are starting to blend together a little bit. My sense of smell is really becoming more acute.. I walked out in our backyard and the air is heavy with humidity and the scent of flowers that I don't normally get. it's so lovely. I can even smell candles that are not burning in each room of my house. I am doing this juice fast for a few health reasons, one of them being my eyes. My eyes are really bothering me, they're dry and blurry and feel like I have sand in them and they are swollen. So far they are a bit better.
Juice fast day 5.. I'm at 230.4 pounds... only lost .4 pounds.. damn it.. but I do need to remind myself i'm doing this for my health.. that is the no. 1 priority.. weightloss needs to just be a nice healthy side effect.
I have a very slight dull ache in my elbows this AM. It' almost not there but I imagine my body is working on something!
Easing back into every day life.. have a little more (not great yet) energy and not hungry this morning (already 11am) and I'm paying bills and cleaning the kitchen.. I am going to make double batch of juice when I do get hungry to make it a little easier later in the day.. I also just ordered more supplies from Publix.. I should have enough for 4-5 more days now!!! I'm Juicing On!!!!
NOTE: from here on out I didn't do a great job taking photos.. the days seemed to just flow together.. I made it 5 more days..
Ugg.. I have that nasty coated tongue and teeth that you always get when you fast..
It's almost 1pm and I am still not hungry.. I am not going to push myself.. I will have something when I get hungry. I want to cleanse and heal and an actual waterfast is the gold standard.. wonder if I could throw in a couple days of waterfasting.. with just a CO water in the AM? NOTE: I DID THAT THE NEXT DAY, FOR ONE DAY...
Well it' is almost 2 and although I was not particularly hungry I was feeling a little light headed so I decided time for a juice.. I made a normal green juice but used 2 apples so it was really nice ..
Juice today..
-co water 1st thing (last one.. I love having this 1st thing for the electrolytes and ease of just pulling something out of the fridge and am ordering more from instacart today.. and then I had a couple of LaCroix seltzers.. I have not been hungry at all normally 1st thing but this AM I feel a bit hungry and will make a juice in a few. I also drank a couple of Hint! OMG I love them so much.
It's amazing how my juices fulfill my hunger.. I've had maybe a quart of juice or so over the last 2 hours and I am perfectly content... no hunger at all.
-Celery, carrot, yellow bell, lime, cucumber, apple, spinach and added Suja uber juice @1:30
-Wello Organic cold pressed bottled juice berry delight @230
-bee pollen and royal jelly up (finally came in yesterday).. I've also been forgetting my Omega 3 oil...
-carrot, watercress, beet, beet green, spinach, celery (couldn't drink much of it.. really bitter).
-apple/fennel.. this was SO, SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!
Juice fast day 6.....230.8 I am up a half pound..
I feel pretty depleted and weak this morning I don't think I'm drinking enough juice. last night I rolled over in bed and got a really bad muscle cramp in my back and also later I woke up with restless legs so I know I need more electrolytes!!
I am planning an entire day of coconut water. I am also adding a pinch of salt to a few of them. They have great potassium content but need a bit more sodium electrolyte.
Last night with the restless legs, I got up in the middle of the night and took some magnesium -calcium powder and was able to go back to sleep and really helps my restless leg and muscles.
I drank 9 containers of CO water today.. (plus lots of LaCroix of which I am addicted!) I am buying several different types from Publix..
I really like the "Harmless" brand raw coconut water (Raw, not pasteurized).. it's sometimes pink in the bottle which is strange but they talk about that on the bottle so It's cool.
Juice Fast Day 7 -First thing this morning I drank a coconut water... and a little Suja Uber Green and OJ I keep in the fridge.
I also dealt with a little bit of an attempt to self sabotage, quick mental swirlings of "this is too extreme, just count calories or just eat raw" my mind is a motherfucker sometimes.. but I told myself if so many people do this, I can too. and it's time I do "for my own good". I'm doing this at least for longer than this.. I have not wanted to "name a length of time" I will stop my fast because I think that's where I FUCK up with black or white militant thinking.. so far one day at a time that's worked for me.
Re: the OJ and Suja Uber Green juice mix.. It was quick and brilliant. I need to definitely keep this in the fridge for times when I just need something quick. It's not citrus season so using good quality bottled OJ is ok!!!.
BUT I want the biophotons! so I get that connected to absolutely everything feeling!! so most of my juices need to be alive! But this is certainly helps first thing before I'm awake enough to do juicing! I think I will do a shorter citrus fast (with pomegranate!) in December.
I am not hungry and it's already noon.. I am torn between just going with it, doing close to a waterfast until late day or just forcing myself to juice because.
Even though I am not hungry... I have a deep empty feeling. (ketosis does this). One thing about fasting that helps me is becoming less fearful of being hungry.. it's hard to explain but it helps.
I am going to be sure to add my celtic gray salt and magnesium/calcium powder at night. I might even make a veggie broth to drink just for the salt. Keeping electrolytes up is important when doing less juice. I usually do a "juice feast".. this time it is more of a juice fast.. closer to a water fast. It seems to be getting easier... I am sure that is ketosis at work.
I seem to start the day with decent energy but it does not last long.. until I finally drink a CO water or make a juice.. then I finally feel better for a while. So it's a balancing act.. I know for deeper healing less of anything (except water) is better but I worry I need better sustenance so I don't have nutrition issues to deal with later.. right now I am not far enough along in a fast to worry about it though.
I have forgotten my omega 3 for the last 2 days so I just set an alarm to help me remember tonight.
Juice Fast Day 8-10
I didn't keep great records of my juices... I bought a bunch of produce and decided to end the fast with lots of CO water each day AND fresh juices AND a few bottled juices (Suja Uber greens and OJ often)..
I also had a watermelon and juiced it. It made a TON of juice of course and day 9 was 75% watermelon lime juice. I need to do better at keeping track.. I will next time.
I HAVE HAD NO MUCUS YUCK on this fast at all and I am sure it's because I gave up dairy like a month ago. (note.. actually the day I came off (prunes soaked in watermelon juice was my first meal) I finally had that healing crisis.. mucus flowed into my head and lungs and I had a bad sinus and also bad asthma attack)... it was really strange that it took that long to finally have some detox.)
I am actually getting proud of myself! I need to do something loving for myself like make an anklet, paint my toenails.. etc.. give myself a facial, etc..
BREAKING THE FAST -I want to say here that if juice fasting is important, the breaking of the fast is EVEN MORE important.. and honestly I have a very hard time coming off.. I am always instantly ravenous. I think this is one of the reasons a longer fast eludes me because I know I could hurt myself. I am considering sometime actually checking into a nice resort type place at the end if I ever do an extended fast and ordering fresh pressed juice the last day of my fast and then giving strict instructions for my coming off and fruit smoothies and then raw fruits delivered at intervals.. so I can have some self imposed control.. it's that bad.