Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Some Of My Juices So Far

Yummy Ruby Grapefruit, Orange & Lemon: 

 A Huge Batch of Lou Corona's Lemon Ginger Blast: 

A Beautiful, Vibrant Purple Cabbage & Red Grape Juice:

My Puggie Had to Have a Sniff of My Ginger Lime Tea:

Fresh Squeezed Orange and Lemon Juice:
Spinach, Kale, Carrot, Cucumber, Celery, Green Apple, Parsley and Lemon:

I have been drinking a lot of hot herbal tea at night because I have detox sinus pressure:

Juice Fast Days 3 & 4

I'm doing well..  day two was a REAL struggle when evening came in.  I was fighting myself about the juice at dinner.  I told myself I was tired of juice and nothing sounded good and I threw a little temper tantrum.

I have binge eating issues... and well disordered eating in general.  I'm obsessive about food and have an over exaggerated love of it.  The juice fasts I'm doing for many reasons one of which is to hopefully release my desire for crap food.

 I know its been my experience that during the juice fasts after I get a few days on and thru my food tantrums and detox I tend to start to feel like more healthy food is what I want and need.  I always have no proplem wanting healthy foods although after my last juice fast I ate too much of even the healthy stuff and had pain fromovereatong too soon.  I will definately watch the transition better this time.

THE JUICES.. well I've had several bottled Suja and Evolution juices for the first time on my fasts.  I like the convenience of them but will have to watch it with them.  there is no reason to have them every day as I work from home and just need to make sure to MAKE MY JUICES instead of traipsing to the kitchen and grabbing a bottled one.  I had two bottled ones yesterday.

DETOX SYMPTOMS:  One my last juice fast last month I started having lots of itching.  I bought a great body brush withlottle rubber massage bumps.  I really look forward to using it.  I'm itching again already and need to do it everyday really!  I'm also having the occasional sinus ache.  its been my very first detox symptom since day 1.

WEIGHTLOSS:  Today is early on the beginning of day 5 and I'm down 8 pounds.

I'VE LEARNED:  I really take lots of mental prep work in the beginning of the fasts.  the first few days are self imposed torture to me.  The very first day I tend to write all kinds of motivational stuff to read when I know the inevidable struggle comes up..usually days 2-3-4 and It helps. 
Last night I just pretty much told myself to shut up with the mental bitching and constant chatter (I do great until early evening and then its 6 hours of struggle)
 Stop the foolishness and just deal with the fact I'm doing this.  (I feel like saying "deal with the fact we're doing this because OMG I swear I have a spoiled, entitled temper tantrum throwing teenage foodie stuck in my brain with me!)!!!!!!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Juice Fast Day 2

First thing this AM I made ginger lime tea to enjoy as the hubs drank his coffee. Thin slice ginger. Juice half lime. Add boiling water and steep 5 min. Strain and add a few drops stevia. Delish I tell you!

I've lost two pounds since yesterday. Yesterday we ran around for several hours and I really felt fine all day until nighttime when my normal sinus detox started to come on. Thats always my very first detox sign. I use a neti pot and it really helps.

 This is my 4th Juice Fast. #1 was 3 days, #2 was 7 days, #3 was 12 days and this one will be 10 days only as I am visiting family at the end of the month and I need enough time to transition back onto solid food. I want to do another in July.

Yesterday I had LOTS more energy than I thought I would... it's amazing how much of our vital energy we use in digestion of food.

Made Lou Corona's Lemon Ginger Blast for breaky and hubs said he wanted one too! WIN! On our way to farmer's market soon!

Re: The Lou Corona Lemon Ginger Blast. I made a huge batch this morning. I had heard this juice was fab and OMG it is!!! I was at first a little thrown by the long list of ingredients but it's a nice synergy and obviously a well thought out juice recipe.

This will be on the menu often rather I'm juice fasting or not.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Another Juice Feast... Day One~

Last month I did a 12 day juice fast. I'm starting another one today.

I am shooting for 10 days this time as I have family i will be visiting at the end of the month. I am excited and encouraged.

I had raw fruit and nuts only yesterday so I sort of got a little jump on my detox. I am really looking forward to this. I feel like I'm giving myself such a loving thing..

Last night when I ate the nuts I had originally only planned on raw fruit all day but my hunger got the best of me. When I was eating them I told myself to honor the fact it was the last time for a couple weeks..

 I told myself yes it would be hard but when it gets hard remind myself how amazing I feel every morning on my juice fast... And to remember how that happens.. it's hard at night but my hunger resets each AM, it's like a switch is flipped and I feel amazing and very proud.

 The mornings and thru most of the day is fairly easy and I need to just push thru at night.

Remembering that I am renewed with motivation every single morning makes a huge difference and my last juice fast was really not difficult after day four... until day 12 when my hunger came back in a big way.

 I am doing a group of smaller fasts going for as many days in total that I can through September. The heat here (Orlando) really makes juicing and eating raw foods very doable.

 JUICES TODAY: Fresh squeezed ruby grapefruit, lemon and orange.. lots for breakfast Evolution Juices* Organic V and Green Devotion.

*I believe fresh juice I made myself is the very best way to go but I was out running errands half the day and the Evolution juices I believe are very good in a pinch because they are supposed to still maintain the majority of their enzymes as they are pressure "pasturized" instead of heat pasturized. I have read that Suja uses this process as well. I still want to do research on this process. Tonight I'm having tart cherry juice in lime Perrier. YUM! If I still feel like I need something I will have a hot herbal tea.