Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Excited and IMPATIENT!

(that's a couple of hot air balloons over my house!) 

I had a dream last night I threw away all the SAD food in the house and it felt so good!  I know I can't waste $$ but I am impatient.  I want to start NOW!  I don't really have much fresh in the house.  No fruit at all.

I worry about fruit.  I think fruit and fat (in the Raw lifestyle) can lead to problems.  I am afraid I will have to lean toward fat (nuts, seeds, avo, flax oil.. etc) and low GI fruits only for starting off.

I have been doing Low Carb and have been in ketosis so my body is sucking up all the water it can right now I am sure.  (I think I have been chronically dehydrated for a couple of months).. I had a vagal nerve fainting episode and was told by Dr.  this was from dehydration.  I also think I have electrolyte loss and am very acidic so I am ready for LOTS of Raw juiciness!

I gained 2 pounds overnight.. I am sure from the juices I have made.  I did have carrot and apple yesterday in my green juices (twice!) so I am sure that's a nice bit of needed glycogen in my body.
I am hoping to find some raw corn at the store today and add a bit to our salad tonight.. I don't think that corn is good on a regular basis (grains in general really) but I am craving it big time.  I wish I could find some non GMO.

I can't wait to also go to WF and get a couple of young coconuts.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Taking longer than I thought but I'll get back on track!

We have so much food in the house that it's going to be another week or so but I am starting to add more fruits and veggies already.  I am going to transition slowly this time and not push myself so much to be 100% raw right off... I do see myself getting back to very high raw and also doing a 10 day juice feast or so but it's going to happen slower this time.  I can't get fanatical.  It's a problem for me!

I did order my truly raw almonds and walnuts today from a grove in CA.. I order them from Bremner's Roadside Stand..

I am going to also slowly order other supplies.. I will need raw cashews and also other things.. I have to order online.. I like

I have "gone raw" three times in the past.. mostly in the Summers (last three years) and loved it most of the time.  In trying to find out why it never stuck.. or rather why I never stuck with it, I came to the conclusion that when it got tough I always talked myself out of it and never asked for help.  I will ask for help LOTS this time..

I also think I put too much pressure on myself to be very, very high raw and when I would have two or three days "off" it ended up slowly being more and more until I had talked myself out of Raw.

It IS allot of work.. It is expensive.  I am worth every $$ and every ounce of effort.. I have to be.
PLUS I need to lose 100 pounds.  Period.  I know eating a high Raw diet is the way to do it and the weight is such a hard thing to deal with.. I am so sick of hurting, my body aches.. my hips and back ache constantly.  I am also sad most of the time and have really gotten to where I don't leave the house often. 

I know I am dealing with depression and I remember how blissed out I felt on Raw the last couple of times.. once I made it thru the horrid freaking detox.  I am lucky that I work from home so I can just go lay in bed if I need to.. and I will.

I am going out of town May 4-6 so I will set May 8th for my "official" start day but I am slowly eating more raw already.  This AM I weighed 227 pounds.. wanted to get the down so at least I know where I am starting.

More later!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

I'm Back to High Raw Soon...

It's been 8 months.  I have been on and off several other diets in this time and am exactly where I started last year on Raw.. weight wise. 

I am starting back this coming Tuesday.. well officially but I am already doing a little fasting today and eating a salad for dinner. 

I have to get to the grocery store. 
I want to do fruit in the AM, salads for lunch and dinner and I am not going to be Vegan by any means as I will be High Raw (shooting for 80%) and I'll be eating fish, some cheese and some cooked Amy's meals with dairy..

I will do my official weigh in tomorrow AM. 
Glad to be back.. excited and hopeful.