(that's a couple of hot air balloons over my house!)
I worry about fruit. I think fruit and fat (in the Raw lifestyle) can lead to problems. I am afraid I will have to lean toward fat (nuts, seeds, avo, flax oil.. etc) and low GI fruits only for starting off.
I have been doing Low Carb and have been in ketosis so my body is sucking up all the water it can right now I am sure. (I think I have been chronically dehydrated for a couple of months).. I had a vagal nerve fainting episode and was told by Dr. this was from dehydration. I also think I have electrolyte loss and am very acidic so I am ready for LOTS of Raw juiciness!
I gained 2 pounds overnight.. I am sure from the juices I have made. I did have carrot and apple yesterday in my green juices (twice!) so I am sure that's a nice bit of needed glycogen in my body.
I am hoping to find some raw corn at the store today and add a bit to our salad tonight.. I don't think that corn is good on a regular basis (grains in general really) but I am craving it big time. I wish I could find some non GMO.
I can't wait to also go to WF and get a couple of young coconuts.